Delivery of Certificates and Closing of the Course “Introduction to Chemoinformatics”

Delivery of Certificates and Closing of the Course “Introduction to Chemoinformatics”

On September 8, the Certificate Delivery and Closing of the Course “Introduction to Chemoinformatics” was carried out by the Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group of the University of Azuay; event that is part of the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Cheminformatics, as a discipline in exponential growth, is responsible for using information technologies to manage and manipulate data related to chemistry. Within this field, the main applications range from the management of databases of chemical compounds to the storage and organization of information crucial for scientific and technological advancement.

The program was led by Dr. Alan Talevi, professor at the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of La Plata (UNLP, Argentina). Director of the Bioactive Research and Development Laboratory (LIDeB). Independent Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). He has published multiple scientific articles, books, and book entries in the fields of machine learning, cheminformatics, and drug discovery. 

This event represents an important step towards strengthening our commitment to research and sustainable development, providing participants with the essential tools to thrive in this fascinating field of study.