Delegation of Biology and the Herbarium participate in Latin American congress

Delegation of Biology and the Herbarium participate in Latin American congress

Teachers Danilo Minga and Rafaella Ansaloni from the Herbarium of the UDA and the School of Biology participated in the V Latin American Congress and II Ecuadorian Congress of Ethnobiology from 17 to 20 in October in Quito together with a team of collaborators and students.

In the delegation of the UDA were two biologists who collaborate with the Herbario, Mayra Jiménez and Nubia Guzmán; a thesis student, Paul Porras; three students from the School of Biology -Samantha Rios, Paz Guillén and Samara Zeas- and two representatives of indigenous communities: by Saraguro Luisa Gualán and by the Rosalina Rojas Valley.

In addition, two biologists graduated from the School of Biology, now students at FLACSO, participated in the event: Saul Duchitanga and Fernanda Abril.

Professors Minga and Ansaloni shared agroecological, biomedical, ethnobotanical and phytochemical experiences with the two representatives of the Gualán and Rojas communities in one of the event's dialogue tables.

In order to contribute and enrich the ethnobiological knowledge, the proposal of our teachers focused on sharing research experiences, both professional and local, about the use of plants and their biochemical, biomedical, agroecological and ethnobotanical applications in the Ecuadorian Southern Highlands , mainly in the Austro, based on a dialogue of knowledge.

To enrich the dialogue table, the experiences of different exhibitors were gathered, both by professionals in the fields of health, biochemical research, biologists and agronomists, as well as by local experts, weeds and farmers.