International intelligence test training at the Faculty of Philosophy

International intelligence test training at the Faculty of Philosophy

The 22 of May in the Faculty of Philosophy took place the training course for the standardization of the WISC V in Ecuador.

The training took place in the framework of the project "Standardization of WISC V in Ecuador" led by the Academic Vice-Rector of the University of Azuay, Martha Cobos, with researchers Alexandra Bueno, Cindy López and Manuel Freire.

"One of the most widely used intelligence tests worldwide is that developed by Davis Weschler, the same one that has been undergoing modifications over the years," Cobos said, adding:

"In Ecuador, previous versions or foreign scales are usually used, for this reason it is a priority to develop national scales. That is why we have started the adaptation and validation project of the
Weschler scale for children, fifth edition (WISC-V) for use in the Ecuadorian context ".

The Academic Vice-Rector indicated that there is an agreement with the Center for the Development of Inclusion Technologies (CEDETI) of the Catholic University of Chile, which has worked on this process with previous versions of this test and that have the respective authorizations of the Editorial Pearson.

"The research team that includes psychologists from Quito, Cuenca and Macas, together with the CEDETI staff, have held meetings these days in order to benefit from their experience and guarantee the work to be carried out," Cobos concluded.