Solemn session for the 30 years of the School of Communication

Solemn session for the 30 years of the School of Communication

On November 12 at the General Auditorium of the UDA, the School of Communication celebrated its three decades of creation with the presence of the highest authorities of the University and the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as professors, students and alumni.

Also present were three of the professors of the career, Joaquín Moreno, Marco Tello and Oswaldo Encalada.

The Rector of the University, Francisco Salgado, welcomed and then spoke Ramiro Laso, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy:

“We are very happy right now because without you, perhaps, we would fall apart as a university. With you, on the other hand, all the joy and youth of what it means, every day, to exercise the profession of the word is maintained. ”

For many of the former teachers and alumni, the Communication career at the Universidad del Azuay meant a great adventure and a very rewarding experience.

“30 years ago it was thought that there were more serious careers to study as a lawyer, architecture, engineering; and even those who were in the world of communication, publicists and journalists, thought they were trades that could not be studied in the classroom; now there is no university in the world that does not have a faculty or a school of Communication, ”said Matías Zibell, Career Coordinator.

The solemn session culminated in the Design courtyard with the celebration of a Cuenca night organized by the ASO School.

UDA Correspondents