Commemorative parade for the 50 years of the Universidad del Azuay

Commemorative parade for the 50 years of the Universidad del Azuay

On Thursday 6 in September the authorities of the University of Azuay spread the details of the commemorative parade for the 50 years of the Institution.  

The parade will take place on Saturday 6 in October at the 09h00, the congregation will be at the 07h30 in the Service House of the University of Azuay located on Av. Solano, in front of the Benigno Malo School.

Francisco Salgado, Rector of the University of Azuay, said that this space is an opportunity for teachers, administrators, students, graduates and all those who have been part of the UDA in these five decades to share, commemorate and celebrate the experiences in the corridors of his Alma Mater.  

The Rector encouraged the entire university community to walk the city, telling the history of the University in the streets of the city along with ex-partners, teachers and administrators.

Francisco Ampuero, President of the UDA Teachers' Association added: "Do not stop attending, let's make an effort to share and remember the moments lived in our university".

The parade will last approximately two hours, the route begins at the Service House of the UDA with directions to the streets of Florence Astudillo, Av. Del Estadio, Roberto Crespo Toral, Av. 27 de Febrero, Av. Francisco Moscoso and ends in the 24 Av. of May, in the facilities of the Institution where a tribute will be prepared.

Regarding clothing, each group will have a distinctive color of its Faculty or Department.

Authorities and Administrative Staff: White

Educational Unit of the Assumption: Acqua Marina

Faculty Philosophy Arts and Education Sciences: Magenta

Faculty of Administration Sciences: Purple

Faculty of Science and Technology: Electric Blue

Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art: Orange

Faculty of Legal Sciences: Red

Medical Faculty: Cian

Postgraduate: Yellow

The clothing consists of a waterproof jacket and a polo shirt with the distinctive colors of each Faculty, you can also wear a hat with the ribbon of the respective color, the designs of the uniforms can be found on the website of the University (

People who wish to obtain the uniforms will have the option of approaching Referee where the staff has the respective models and a special price or make the order through the website of this trade.

More details on clothing, route, departure order is on the site or you can also contact the mail

Alumni who wish to learn more or be part of the organization of this event are invited to the meetings that take place from Monday to Friday at the 18h00 in the Multiple Use Room of the University of Azuay.