A new Encuentro Ecuatoriano de Gesicoterapia Gestalt was held

A new Encuentro Ecuatoriano de Gesicoterapia Gestalt was held

On Thursday 6 of April in the Hall of Multiple Use of the Faculty of Sciences of the Administration, the II Encuentro Ecuatoriano de Gestalt Psychotherapy was inaugurated.

The event was organized by Talleres Insfhoe, Integration and Center of Humanistic Psychotherapy, with the Certificate and Guarantee of the University Del Azuay, in addition to having the support of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage.

The meeting analyzed the value of relationships in times of loneliness and isolation, for which various experiential workshops were presented.

The activities were carried out from the 7 day in April to the 9 in April at Inti Kamari, a retirement center located in the Yunguilla Valley, near the Sana Isabel canton.

Gestalt Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that not only aims to explain the origins of our difficulties but to experience the signs of new solutions.