UDA achieves second place in the 2017 troupes

UDA achieves second place in the 2017 troupes

Cuenca was filled with joy and costumes last Friday night with 2017 comparsas, an event that included the participation of various institutions and families that satirized the most striking characters of the year on Huayna Cápac Avenue.

"Never stop dreaming" was the theme of the participation of the University of Azuay that with the presence of mice, princesses, mad hatters, among many others, personified several children's stories including: Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, El Pied Piper of Hamelin, Aladdin and Hansel and Gretel.

This theme tried to represent the ability of human beings to create different worlds with a focus on childhood as an unprejudiced stage where dreams are a priority.

Jose San Martin, teacher and coordinator of the UDA comparsas, mentioned that the message that was intended to convey was that the world would be a better place if human beings acted more like children with purity, forgiveness and ability to dream.

The allegorical cars were made by the students of the different careers of Design with the teachers of workshop of the University; the decorations or scenographies of the stories were designed by the students and had electrical installations.

In the preview of the comparsas, on Tuesday 4 in January the University of Azuay together with the Faculty of Design made a recognition to the craftsman Felix Alejandro Flores, who over the years and family tradition has developed masks.

The Flores Padilla family has a tradition of going out at the Mascaradas on January 6 using the masks designed by them.