Marginalia Nº 9 - November 2006

Marginalia Nº 9 - November 2006



Marginalia Nº 9 - November 2006

Master in University Teaching. Professor of Second Education, specialty in Educational Psychology and Vocational Guidance. Bachelor of Modern Humanities.

We reproduce this quick interview:

MARGINALIA: What is poetry to you?
Creative handling of the strength of words, with nuance and power
wonderful and captivating in the structure of thoughts, which
they interpret the world of reality and fantasy. Prima over all
immense wealth of the inner world and the love of life, exercising a
joy influence on the human brain.

MARGINALIA: Do you think that knowledge of the arts, in
general, and of poetry in particular, are a good basis for the
comprehensive personality formation?

In today's education the arts, poetry are main axes in the
formation of the human being, because thanks to these artistic manifestations
imagination, creativity are developed, they are taught to experiment
new situations and they are even used as a therapeutic resource for the education of temperament and character.

MARGINALIA: Is it important to encourage artistic and literary practice at the University?
The cultivation of linguistic and artistic intelligence is continuous and
permanent, that is why it is the obligation of educational institutions and
particularly from the university, to promote the planning and execution of
educational projects that allow research in the fascinating world of letters and the arts.

MARGINALIA: Do you think that Literary Workshops are a good
alternative for the formation of the aesthetic taste of students?
Literary workshops are spaces for inspiration and reflection. Also
allow you to get positive energy to take a liking to the letters,
as well as allow the exchange of thoughts and literary currents, since in this way the silent screams of the interior emerge, and then
materialize in wonderful literary works.

MARGINALIA: Thank you very much for your words and your time.

Cuenca poetry

(Sending him a Cape jasmine)

Less beautiful than you, my Carmela,
let that flower decorate your hair;
I myself have caught it in the meadow
and affectionate my soul sends it to you
when dry and withered one day falls
don't throw it, for God's sake, on the shore;
keep it like a flattering memory
Of the sweet friendship that united us

Universal poetry

Because I have you and not

because I think about you

because the night is wide-eyed

because the night passes and I say love

because you have come to collect your image

and you're better than all your pictures

because you are beautiful from the foot to the soul

because you are good from the soul to me

because you hide sweet in pride

small and sweet

heart shell

because you are mine

because you are not mine

because I look at you and die

and worse than dying

if I don't look at you love

if i don't look at you


because you always exist wherever you want

but you exist better where I love you

because your mouth is blood

and you are cold

I have to love you love

I have to love you

although this wound hurts like two

even if I look for you and do not find you

and although

the night passes and I don't have you

and not.

Mario Benedetti

Guest poet

TWENTY-THREE DOLORES DE GALINDO (Quito, 1829 - Cuenca, 1857)
Precursor of Romanticism in Ecuador.


His passage through life and his death, always controversial events, have served as inspiration for numerous literary works.

Married at 18, she moved with her family to Guayaquil, and then to Cuenca, where she stayed with her son, while her husband undertook trips abroad.

In Cuenca, it organizes literary gatherings, in which the best known intellectuals of the time participate. But the city parcels make people soon start whispering about their behavior. In April 1957, Dolores, by means of a leaflet, defended an indigenous man sentenced to death under the charge of parricide. (And this seems to be the first allegation in Ecuador against the death penalty, in force then). Fact that attracted insults and threats, which precipitated her death.

Very few texts are preserved from his pen. It seems that before committing suicide he burned his writings; only 14 remain in verse and 4 in poetic prose, collected posthumously. But despite this, Dolores Veintimilla, with her intimate work, of great lyricism and language of perfect casticism; Precursor of a whole literary movement, it is a cardinal figure in Ecuadorian letters.

Oh! Where is that world i dreamed of
back in the years of my first age?
Where is that world that in my mind I heard
of white flowers ...? It was all chimera!

Today I have nothing left of myself,
my hours of luck have passed,
and I only have a bruised heart
and a soul drowned in tears and bitterness.

Why so soon did the illusion pass?
Why was my laughter turned into brokenness
and my fleeting dream dissipated
what slight cloud blowing in the breeze ...?

Come back to my optical illusion eyes,
come back, hope, to liven up my life,
come back, friendship, sublime inspiration ...
I want happiness even when it is lied



Rodrigo Pesantez Rhodes

Hispanist Affirmation Front AC

Mexico, 2005
Thanks to a happy initiative of the Hispanist Affirmation Front and its director, Don Fredo Arias de la Canal, great patron and friend of poetry, Rodrigo Pesántez Rodas -poet himself, and researcher- undertakes in the selection of eight representative female voices to integrate them in this interesting sample.

They are: Ileana Espinel Cedeño, Saranelly de Lamas, Ana María Iza, Violeta Luna, Martha Lizarzaburu, Sara Vanégas Coveña, Catalina Sojos and María Fernanda Espinosa. Each one, with its own qualities, its rhythm, its obsessions, its style ...

Born between 1931 and 1964, these eight poets cover with ease and height the second half of the twentieth century, so fertile for literature written and published by women, also in Ecuador. And they continue to resonate in the field not only national, because some of them (Espinel, Iza and Vanégas, especially) are beginning to position themselves internationally, thanks to their expressive force.

This anthology, which thanks to its editor is destined to circulate in many countries, thus brings to the world the voice of the highest Ecuadorian lyrical exponents.


Alexandra Andrade


Santiago Risso compilation

Lima, Alejo Editores, 2006


During the 11th Lima International Book Fair, with the presence of the poets Sara Vanégas and Horacio Hidrovo (Ecuador), Bella Clara Ventura and Graciela Rincón (Colombia), Bertha Lucía Cano and Roberto Hurtado (Mexico), as well as Peruvian poets and the compiler, Santiago Risso, presented the International Anthology of Love Poetry.

The book includes 121 contemporary poets from Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Tunisia.
In the words of the poet Risso, “The edition, of 10 copies, has as its objective a Borgian premise: to popularize poetry for purposes of sanitation of the society in which we live. And what better than love as an inherently democratic and communicative vehicle. "

The anthology, which is being "launched" in various cities in America and Europe, is a sum of various styles and is projected as a valuable sample of what is currently being done in the world in poetry.

Sara Vanegas Covena


Alfonso Larrahona Kasten

Hispanist Affirmation Front AC

Mexico, 2005

Book - homage to the 400 years of the first edition of Don Quixote.

There are 170 poets invited to this banquet. They come from 18 countries in Hispanic America, and their texts do not exceed 8 or 9 lines (there are only one).

These minimal poems - "manifest a tendency towards essentialism", in the words of their editor - are written in the manner of Bashô, Tabalada, Carrera Andrade ... And they represent a clear invitation to reading, to being dazzled, to writing ...

As a sample, we transcribe these:

"The hour is transparent: / we see, if the bird is invisible, / the color of its song" (O. Paz)

"Since that day / I have not moved the pieces / of my board" (JL Borges)

"I didn't like any rose as much / as the one you never gave me" (Eliana Godoy G.)

“Autumn woman / about to become: / leaf, / butterfly, / volcano, / or April rose” (Eva Thaís)

The work constitutes, no doubt, a particular jewel that moves and enchants.


Sara Vanegas Covena


Year 5, Number 9
November 2006
Brazil 3-101, Cuenca
Fax: 2818 840

Sara Vanegas Covena

Collaborating in this issue:
Francisco Salgado, Juan Ruiz de Torres, Emilio Ballesteros, María José Mielgo, Sonia Manzano, Alejandra Andrade.

Engineer Katherine Ortiz Vidal

The management is not responsible for the opinions contained in the signed articles. Partial or total reproduction is allowed, if the source is cited.

Correspondence and collaborations:

box: 01-01-1178,
Ecuador basin