
For the students

When do we return to face-to-face?

  • This September 20, 2021 we will meet again on our campuses. First cycle students have already been attending our university campus since September 1.
  • The return will be in an orderly and gradual manner the first week, and will respond to the following calendar:

Academic Calendar

  • In each Faculty, the University Occupational Health team will supervise compliance with the biosafety recommendations contained in the Ethical Agreement, especially the use of the double mask and ventilation in the spaces. In this way you will give constant feedback to the authorities.

  • Air quality controls will be carried out randomly by means of carbon dioxide sensors. 

  • A constant control of the use of elevators will be carried out according to the established biosafety standards.

  • During the first weeks there will be no access for students to the cafeterias, food service will only be given to the teaching and administrative staff who, due to work hours, must have lunch on campus. For this purpose, the central cafeteria will be open from 11:30 to 14:30.

  • qr

    To enter common spaces such as Library,  Auditoriums, multipurpose rooms, among others, it is necessary that you have a QR code that shows that you are vaccinated.

  • qr

    You can download the code by entering the Student Portal and it will be scanned upon entering each space. This QR code must be on your cell phone or printed.

  • The student, teacher and employee associations will only provide the office service. Social gatherings or other activities that generate agglutination may not be held in said spaces.

In what modality will the theoretical and practical classes be held?

  • All classes, both theoretical and practical, will be face-to-face, except for those subjects that are normally developed virtually such as Anthropology and Language.
  • Sufficiency exams and thesis support will also be face-to-face.

What will be the evaluation system that teachers will use?

  • The University returns to the evaluation system prior to the time of essential care. The evaluation system can be reviewed in the following

How will class attendance work?

  • Classes return to being face-to-face, so attendance is mandatory. Remember that the current Student Regulations indicate that a minimum of 75% of the classes must be attended. If the absence is due to the contagion of COVID-19 or if it is suspected, the absences will be justified.

What if I get infected?

  • Keep calm, remember that with two doses of the vaccine this contagion is no longer dangerous and the symptoms will surely be very mild.
  • In the platform that the University has designed, the health status of each member of our community will be reported, if there are symptoms or if there is a suspicion of a contagion (this report automatically justifies the absence). Report by phone to the University medical office, to receive the instructions in the process to be carried out to rule out or confirm the contagion and protect your health.
  • Perform the PCR test, if it is positive you must stay at home. In case of negative, you must return to activities.
  • Do not wait to take the test to isolate yourself, let's take care of everyone and take precautions.
  • During your time of convalescence remember that your health is the most important thing. The virtual campus will be kept active so that you can access the class materials and can equalize once you have overcome the disease. Do not forget to always ask for the support of your classmates and teachers, who as a university community that we are, will be ready to help you.