The University

Resolutions of the University Council

Year 2018

Resolution No. CU-2021-1098

Approval of Master's degrees in Primary Care, mention in Family Health and Commerce, mention in Entrepreneurship and Circular Innovation

Resolution No. CU-2018-587

Delivery according to the students who participated in the 2018 Interuniversity National Games

Resolution No. CU-2018- 586.

Subscription of the agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the CEDIA Academy for the development of the GTIL project

Resolution No. CU-2018- 585.

Approved the signing of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Casa Grande University

Resolution No. CU-2018- 584

Addendum to the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito Juventud Ecuatoriana Progresista Ltda.

Resolution No. CU-2018- 583

Ratified the signing of the specific agreement with the National University of Córdoba - Argentina

Resolution No. CU-2018- 582

Subscription of the framework agreement with the National University of Córdoba - Argentina

Resolution No. CU-2018-581

Reconsideration on request for license extension

Resolution No. CU-2018-580

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018- 580

Realization of the XIV International Entrepreneur Forum

Resolution No. CU-2018-579

Ratification of the delivery of the agreement to the coordinator of the XIV International Entrepreneur Forum

Resolution No. CU-2018-578

Approval of application for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-577

Approval of the tuition and fees of the Master of Business Administration with mentions in: Finance, Projects and Sales and the Master of Architecture

Resolution No. CU-2018-576

Approval of the academic calendar for the period March - July 2019

Resolution No. CU-2018-575

Approval of the salary structure for the administrative staff of the University

Resolution No. CU-2018-574

Approval of the 2018 budget reform

Resolution No. CU-2018- 573

Inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Autonomous Municipal Decentralized Government of the canton of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 572

Subscription of the modification agreement to the one held with the Autonomous Municipal Decentralized Government of the Cuenca canton 21 May of 2018

Resolution No. CU-2018- 571

subscription of the economic sponsorship agreement with the Student Federation, the Sports Federation of the University of Azuay and the Specialized Training Sports Club "Triple E"

Resolution No. CU-2018- 570

Confidentiality agreement with the company DATAFAST SA

Resolution No. CU-2018-569

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-568

Request for justification to integrate the Electoral Council of the Faculty of Administration Sciences

Resolution No. CU-2018-567

Approval of application for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-566

Teacher license extension requests

Resolution No. CU-2018-565

Granting of agreements to professors of the Faculties of Administration and Design Sciences, Architecture and Art for their triumphs in the Sixth Ecuadorian Congress of Information and Communication Technologies and in the Panamerican Biennial of Quito

Resolution No. CU-2018- 565

Recognition and congratulations to the professors and students for the obtained triumphs

Resolution No. CU-2018-564

Ratification of the appointment as Guest Professor of Prof. Carlos Manterola Delgado Ph. D.

Resolution No. CU-2018- 564

Appointment as Guest Professor of Prof. Carlos Manterola Delgado Ph. D.

Resolution No. CU-2018- 563

Subscription of the addendum to the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Autonomous Decentralized Parochial Government of Quingueo

Resolution No. CU-2018- 562

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Autonomous Decentralized Parochial Government of Zhidmad

Resolution No. CU-2018- 561

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the First Baptist Church of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 560

Subscription of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the University of the Elderly

Resolution No. CU-2018- 559

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the School of Basic Education Octavio Cordero Palacios

Resolution No. CU-2018- 558

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the School of Basic Education Republic of Colombia

Resolution No. CU-2018- 557

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Association of Proprietors of Plants of Benefit, Smelting and Refining of Mineral Substances of the Province of El Oro

Resolution No. CU-2018- 556

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the University of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 555

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Ecuadorian Association of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Resolution No. CU-2018-554

Approval of requests for withdrawal of student subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-553

Request from the Postgraduate Department on the formation of the Electoral Council for the election of the student representative before the General Postgraduate Council

Resolution No. CU-2018-552

Statement on challenge presented in a process for a complaint of harassment, discrimination and violence at the University

Resolution No. CU-2018-551

Resolution on complaint of harassment, discrimination and violence at the University

Resolution No. CU-2018- 550

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, authorized the signing of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the canton Biblián

Resolution No. CU-2018- 549

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, ratified the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Public Company of Economic Development EDEC EP

Resolution No. CU-2018- 548

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, authorized the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Public Company of Telecommunications, Drinking Water and Sewerage of Cuenca ETAPA EP

Resolution No. CU-2018- 547

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, ratified the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation framework agreement with the Transitional National Electoral Council

Resolution No. CU-2018- 546

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, ratified the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation framework agreement with the CEG FEDEXPOR Management Training Center

Resolution No. CU-2018- 545

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, ratified the signing of the agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the development of the Research and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 544

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, ratified the signing of the agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the development of the Research and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 543

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, ratified the signing of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Municipal Public Toilet Company of Cuenca EMAC-EP and the Particular Educational Unit La Asunción

Resolution No. CU-2018- 542

The University Council in session of 6 of November of 2018, approved the subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the School of Basic General Education "Mora de Franco"

Resolution No. CU-2018- 541

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018, approved the signing of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of Sigsíg

Resolution No. CU-2018- 539

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018 ratified the signing of the collaboration agreement with the National University of Loja

Resolution No. CU-2018-538

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-537

Approval of application for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-536

Appointment of honorary professor to Dr. Paulo Roberto de Mendoça Motta

Resolution No. CU-2018- 536

The University Council in 6 session of November of 2018 considering that Dr. Paulo Roberto de Mendonca Motta is a distinguished teacher in Public Administration of the University of North Carolina

Resolution No. CU-2018-535

Reform of articles 8 and 12 of the Regulation for the recognition or homologation of studies in undergraduate careers and postgraduate programs

Resolution No. CU-2018-534

Call for the election of student representatives to integrate the Co-government bodies

Resolution No. CU-2018-533

Knowledge of the conclusive report of the Investigation Committee on the complaint presented by the student of the Faculty of Medicine

Resolution No. CU-2018- 532.

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Autonomous Decentralized Parochial Government of Paccha

Resolution No. CU-2018- 531.

Subscription of the specific cooperation agreement with the Regional Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso

Resolution No. CU-2018- 530.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Parochial Autonomous Decentralized Government of Quingeo

Resolution No. CU-2018- 529.

Subscription of the cooperation framework agreement with the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS)

Resolution No. CU-2018- 528.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the National Secretariat of Planning and Development, the University of Cuenca and the Association of Zonal Municipalities 6

Resolution No. CU-2018- 527.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the canton Biblián

Resolution No. CU-2018- 526

Approval of application for replacement of title

Resolution No. CU-2018- 525

Ratification of the approval of applications for special enrollment

Resolution No. CU-2018- 524

Approval of the request for relocation of the University teacher

Resolution No. CU-2018- 523

Approval of financial support requests for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018- 522

Ratification of the appointment of honorary professor of Dr. Paul E. Little

Resolution No. CU-2018- 522.

He ratified the appointment as honorary professor of the Universidad del Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018- 521

Awarding of decorations to the best students of their class, academic period September 2017 - October 2018

Resolution No. CU-2018- 520.

Subscription of the specific cooperation agreement with the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance

Resolution No. CU-2018- 519.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation framework agreement with the Higher Education Quality Assurance Council and the Andean Simón Bolívar, Santiago de Guayaquil Catholic University, Manabí Technique and North Technical University

Resolution No. CU-2018- 518.

Subscription of the framework cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Environment 6 Zonal Coordination

Resolution No. CU-2018- 517.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Llacao Parish

Resolution No. CU-2018- 516.

Subscription of the cooperation framework agreement, inter-institutional technical and academic assistance with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Guachapala canton

Resolution No. CU-2018- 515.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of Limón Indanza

Resolution No. CU-2018- 514.

Subscription of the Letter of Intent with the North American company Tangocode INC

Resolution No. CU-2018- 513.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Construction Technology Center Corporation

Resolution No. CU-2018- 512.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the University of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 511.

Subscription of the commitment certificate with the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra

Resolution No. CU-2018- 510.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Tourism Foundation for Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 509.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Canton of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 508.

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Provincial Board of Defense of the Artisan of Cañar

Resolution No. CU-2018- 507.

Subscription of the cooperation agreement with the Foundation for the Service of the Cancer Sick FASEC

Resolution No. CU-2018- 506.

Subscription of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Hospital Universitario del Río

Resolution No. CU-2018- 505.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Peillogical Institute Quilloac Bilingüe Intercultural

Resolution No. CU-2018-504

Approval of application for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-503

Expansion of information regarding postgraduate programs to enter it in the platform of the Council of Higher Education

Resolution No. CU-2018-502

Budget reform for the remodeling of the University library

Resolution No. CU-2018-501

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-500

Ratification of the approval of applications for special enrollment

Resolution No. CU-2018-499

Approval of license requests

Resolution No. CU-2018-498

Approval of the terms, conditions and term of the loan with Banco Pichincha for the financing of the UDA - Baños campus and authorization of the related processes

Resolution No. CU-2018-497

Declaration of the “El Gullán” property located in the La Paz parish of the Nabón canton of the Azuay province as a Scientific Station

Resolution No. CU-2018- 497.

Declare Scientific Station to the property of the University of Azuay "El Gullán",

Resolution No. CU-2018- 496.

Subscription of the specific cooperation agreement with the French Alliance for the realization of joint linking activities

Resolution No. CU-2018- 495.

Subscription of the cooperation agreement with the "Much Better Ecuador" Corporation

Resolution No. CU-2018- 494.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the benevolent Volunteer Fire Department of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 493.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Autonomous Decentralized Intercultural Government of the canton of Cañar

Resolution No. CU-2018- 492.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Water Fund for the conservation of the Paute River Basin -FONAPA-

Resolution No. CU-2018- 491.

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Sígsig

Resolution No. CU-2018- 490.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional agreement with the Autonomous Decentralized Parochial Government of Santa Ana

Resolution No. CU-2018- 489.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the company Marcimex SA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 488.

Subscription of the inter-institutional framework agreement with the National Anticorruption Commission

Resolution No. CU-2018- 487.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the Laida University "Eloy Alfaro" of Manabí

Resolution No. CU-2018-486

Approval of requests for replacement of titles

Resolution No. CU-2018-485

Approval of requests for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-484

Approval of license requests

Resolution No. CU-2018-483

Approval of the request for relocation of the University teacher

Resolution No. CU-2018-482

Approval of the amendment to article 6 of the Instructions for the payment of family allowance

Resolution No. CU-2018-481

Approval of the amendments to the Internal Regulations of the Ethics Committee for Research in Human Beings of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-480

Approval of the Protocol for complaints of harassment, discrimination and violence at the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-479

Approval of the Code of Ethics of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-478

Tripartite agreement for the automatic debit of the economic resources of the University with the Banco del Pacífico and the Banco de Desarrollo del Ecuador BP,

Resolution No. CU-2018-477

Authorization of the automatic debit of the necessary income that the University maintains in its checking accounts

Resolution No. CU-2018-476

Authorization to sign the Credit Line contract with the Development Bank

Resolution No. CU-2018-475

Approval of the budgetary obligation for the credit service and the counterpart with the Development Bank

Resolution No. CU-2018-474

Approval of the credit line granted by the Development Bank of Ecuador BP for the acquisition of technological infrastructure and equipment

Resolution No. CU-2018-473

Request from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences regarding the situation presented in the subject of Language II of the career of Social Communication

Resolution No. CU-2018-472

Reform of the pension number 110 of the Law career

Resolution No. CU-2018- 471.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the 6 Zonal Coordination of Health

Resolution No. CU-2018- 470.

Specific agreement with the Food Industry The EUROPEA Cía. Ltda

Resolution No. CU-2018- 469.

Specific agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 468.

Specific agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 467.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Labor

Resolution No. CU-2018- 466.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Autonomous Municipal Decentralized Government of the Canton Biblián

Resolution No. CU-2018- 465.

Subscription of the amendment addendum to the COP-A-02-17 agreement signed with the Ecuadorian Corporation for Research Development and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 464.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the Chamber of Industries of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 463.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the Autonomous Decentralized Parochial Government of Zhidmad

Resolution No. CU-2018- 462.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Cordillera Tropical Foundation

Resolution No. CU-2018- 461.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the Technical University of Loja

Resolution No. CU-2018- 460.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Institute of Higher National Studies IAEN

Resolution No. CU-2018- 459.

Signing of the agreement with the German University of Applied Sciences in Ludwingsburg (Evangelische Hochschule Ludwingsbur)

Resolution No. CU-2018- 458.

Agreement with The Publishers International Linking Association

Resolution No. CU-2018-457

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-456

License application approval

Resolution No. CU-2018-455

Approval of application for financial support for doctoral studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-454

Approval of the budget for the uniforms of the University staff

Resolution No. CU-2018-453

Reform of the pensum of the Medicine career

Resolution No. CU-2018-452

Approval of Masters in Commerce with a mention in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, in Business Administration with a mention in Corporate Social Responsibility, in Industrial Production and Operations and a Specialization in University Teaching

Resolution No. CU-2018-451

Approval of reforms to the academic calendar September 2018 - February 2019

Resolution No. CU-2018-450

Approval of requests for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-449

Approval of the Specializations in Emergency and Disaster Medicine and Pediatrics, Masters in Architecture with a mention in Urban-Architectural Project and in International Business

Resolution No. CU-2018-448

Approval of tuition and fee values ​​for the Master's degree in socio-environmental studies with a mention in climate change, sustainability and development

Resolution No. CU-2018-447

Approval of the budgets for the construction of the UDA campus - Baños

Resolution No. CU-2018-446

Authorization of amounts for contracts for the provision of printing equipment for the Publishing House

Resolution No. CU-2018- 445.

Subscription of the specific agreement of educational cooperation with the Carolina Foundation

Resolution No. CU-2018- 444.

Subscription of the general protocol of collaboration with the Pablo de Olavide University, of Seville - Spain

Resolution No. CU-2018- 443.

Subscription of the specific agreement of collaboration with the Ibero-American University Association of Postgraduate AUIP

Resolution No. CU-2018- 442.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Foundation for Women and Children of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 441.

Subscription of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the School of Basic Education Fiscomisional "Sacred Heart"

Resolution No. CU-2018- 440.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chambers of Production of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018- 439.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement for holding training events with the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Production Chambers of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-438

Specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Public Cleaning Company of Cuenca EMAC EP

Resolution No. CU-2018- 437.

Subscription of the specific inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Public Toilet Company of Cuenca EMAC EP

Resolution No. CU-2018- 436.

Subscription of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Religions and the Turi Zonal Social Rehabilitation Center 6

Resolution No. CU-2018- 435.

Subscription of the agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the REDCEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 434.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the REDCEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 433.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the REDCEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 432.

Subscription of the specific agreement with Alimentos Ecuatorianos Los Andes SA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 431.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Strategic Public Company Electric Corporation of Ecuador CELEC EP Hidropaute Business Unit

Resolution No. CU-2018- 430.

Subscription of the modifying addendum to the agreement signed with the Public Company of the University of Cuenca -UCUENCA EP-

Resolution No. CU-2018- 429.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the Superintendence of Market Power Control in order to coordinate and articulate an inter-institutional cooperation link

Resolution No. CU-2018- 428.

Ratification of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Quingeo parish

Resolution No. CU-2018- 427.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Chamber of the Small Industry of Azuay (CAPIA)

Resolution No. CU-2018- 426.

Subscription of the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Autonomous University of Sinaloa

Resolution No. CU-2018-425

Approval of requests for replacement of titles

Resolution No. CU-2018-424

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-423

License application approval

Resolution No. CU-2018-422

Approval of application for financial support for doctoral studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-421

Reform of the prerequisite of the Research Methodology subject of the curriculum of some careers of the Faculty of Administration Sciences

Resolution No. CU-2018-420

Approval of the reforms to the academic calendar for the period September 2018 - February 2019

Resolution No. CU-2018-419

Approval of the tuition and fee values ​​for the Master's Degree in Inclusive Basic Education, Specialization in Family and Community Medicine, Master's Degree in Bioethics and Master's Degree in Human Talent Management

Resolution No. CU-2018-418

Approval of the management model for the construction of the new campus UDA - Baños

Resolution No. CU-2018-417

Approval of the budget for preliminary works of the UDA campus - Baños

Resolution No. CU-2018-416

Approval of the budget for the remodeling of the library and the access plaza

Resolution No. CU-2018- 415.

Subscription of the cooperation framework agreement with Graphisoft SE

Resolution No. CU-2018- 414.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the University of San Buenaventura of Medellín

Resolution No. CU-2018- 413.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the University of San Buenaventura of Medellín

Resolution No. CU-2018- 412.

Subscription of the Letter of Intent with Handong Global University of Korea

Resolution No. CU-2018- 411.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with MikroTik Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 410.

Subscription of the addendum to the framework agreement of inter-institutional cooperation celebrated with the Coordination of 6 Zonal Education

Resolution No. CU-2018-409

Approval of request for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-408

Approval of requests for financial support for doctoral studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-407

Approval of the creation of the right to take examinations by delegation of other universities

Resolution No. CU-2018-406

Reform of article 10 of the Instructions for the operation of the Degree Unit in postgraduate programs

Resolution No. CU-2018-405

Call for elections of the representatives of the graduates to integrate the Council of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art and Medicine

Resolution No. CU-2018-404

Approval of the final report of the external audit of the financial statements for the year 2017

Resolution No. CU-2018-403

Resolution on the report of the Special Commission appointed to investigate the events denounced at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Resolution No. CU-2018-402

Authorization for the academic offer of new innovative projects for undergraduate programs for the period September 2018 - February 2019

Resolution No. CU-2018- 402.

Subscription of the specific cooperation and collaboration agreement with the Technical University of Ambato

Resolution No. CU-2018-401

Framework agreement with the Chamber of Small Mining of Ecuador

Resolution No. CU-2018- 400.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Autonomous Decentralized Government of Biblián

Resolution No. CU-2018- 399.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the 6 Zonal Coordination

Resolution No. CU-2018- 398.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Catholic University of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 397.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with Municipal Social Action

Resolution No. CU-2018- 396.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Pablo Jaramillo Crespo Foundation

Resolution No. CU-2018- 395.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance

Resolution No. CU-2018- 394.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the Pius XII Private Educational Unit

Resolution No. CU-2018- 393.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the Hospital Santa Inés

Resolution No. CU-2018- 392.

Subscription of the framework agreement with the Santa Inés Hospital

Resolution No. CU-2018- 391.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the canton of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018-390

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-389

Reform of the academic calendar for the period September 2018 - February 2019

Resolution No. CU-2018-388

Elimination of library and treasury certificates for student graduation records

Resolution No. CU-2018-387

Knowledge of the report of the Legal Commission regarding the complaint presented by a teacher

Resolution No. CU-2018-386

Authorization for financing procedures with the Development Bank of Ecuador to finance the project: "Endowment of comprehensive technological infrastructure for the University of Azuay"

Resolution No. CU-2018-385

Authorization for the constitution of a guarantee trust with Banco Pichincha CA, to guarantee the payment of capital and interest for the loan to finance the construction of the UDA - Baños campus

Resolution No. CU-2018-384

Authorization of the constitution of open mortgage and prohibition to sell to guarantee the financing of the construction of the UDA - Baños campus in favor of Banco Pichincha CA

Resolution No. CU-2018-383

Approval of the Regulation for the granting of scholarships and support for training and improvement of academic staff

Resolution No. CU-2018- 382.

Appointment as an honorary professor of the University of Azuay to Professor Dr. Barbara Hess

Resolution No. CU-2018-381

Approval of the new Institutional Regulation of the La Asunción Private Educational Unit

Resolution No. CU-2018-380

Approval of the new Student Regulations

Resolution No. CU-2018-379

Approval of the new Regulation of Powers

Resolution No. CU-2018-378.

Subscription of the agreement for the provision of data consultation services with the General Directorate of the Civil Registry, Identification and Certification

Resolution No. CU-2018-377.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the University of Cuenca that aims to meet each of the universities agreed commitments

Resolution No. CU-2018-376.

Subscription of the cooperation framework agreement with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the canton Riobamba

Resolution No. CU-2018-375.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation in the field of social responsibility with the Municipal Public Company of Telecommunications, Drinking Water, Sewerage and Sanitation of the Basin ETAPA EP

Resolution No. CU-2018-374

Agreement with the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Cuenca CGA canton for the development of the noise monitoring study in the city of Cuenca, noise map 2018

Resolution No. CU-2018-373.

Subscription of the specific agreement with the companies Delmex s delicias mexicanas, Buenaño Caicedo Compañía de Negocios SA and Lácteos San Antonio

Resolution No. CU-2018-372.

Subscription of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the 6 Zonal Coordination of Health

Resolution No. CU-2018-371.

Subscription of the framework cooperation agreement with the Rotary Club of Cuenca Yanuncay, Rotary Club of Port Moody, True North Misson

Resolution No. CU-2018-370.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Polytechnic University of Madrid - Spain

Resolution No. CU-2018-369.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Tourism Foundation and the University of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018-368.

Subscription of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the National Institute of Biodiversity

Resolution No. CU-2018-367

Framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Messengers of Peace Foundation

Resolution No. CU-2018-366.

Subscription of the inter-institutional cooperation modification agreement with the Pablo Jaramillo Crespo Foundation

Resolution No. CU-2018-365

Grace enrollment request

Resolution No. CU-2018-364

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018-363

License application approval

Resolution No. CU-2018-362

Approval of requests for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-361

Knowledge and approval of the budget settlement of the year 2017 and the budget proforma of the year 2018 of the Private Educational Unit La Asunción

Resolution No. CU-2018-360

Approval of tuition and fee values ​​for various graduate programs

Resolution No. CU-2018-359

Reform of the pensum of the Medicine career

Resolution No. CU-2018-358

Reform of the pensum of the careers of Initial Education and Medicine

Resolution No. CU-2018-357

Approval of the academic calendar for the period September 2018 - February 2019

Resolution No. CU-2018-356

Approval of the modifications made to the innovative projects of the degree courses and nomenclatures at the suggestion of the Council of Higher Education

Resolution No. CU-2018-355

Approval of the budget for the internal access road works of the UDA - Baños campus

Resolution No. CU-2018-354

Authorization for the financing of the construction of the UDA - Baños campus

Resolution No. CU-2018-353

Delivery of the Ernesto Alvarez decoration to the forgers of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-353.

The University Council in session of the 20 of April of 2018, delivered the institutional badge and the award Ernesto Alvarez Alvarez to the forjadores of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-352

Tribute to the teaching, administrative and service staff who complete 25 years of service in the Institution

Resolution No. CU-2018-351

Declaration of prioritization of the construction project of the UDA campus - Baños

Resolution No. CU-2018-350

License application approval

Resolution No. CU-2018-349

Determination of dates for national and local holidays for the academic calendar March - August 2018

Resolution No. CU-2018-348

Knowledge of the approval by the Council of Higher Education of the curricular redesigns of careers

Resolution No. CU-2018-347

Report on Teacher Promotion Requests

Resolution No. CU-2018-346

Reforms to the Internal Regulations of the Human Research Committee of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018- 345.

Ratified the signing of the specific agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Zonal Coordination 6 Salud

Resolution No. CU-2018- 344.

Approved the signing of the cooperation agreement with the CTS-581 Research Group

Resolution No. CU-2018-343

Approval of license requests

Resolution No. CU-2018-342

Financial aid applications for doctoral studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-341

Ratification of the approval of applications for special enrollment

Resolution No. CU-2018-340

Appointment of the representative of the titular academic staff to be a member of the Academic Evaluation Commission

Resolution No. CU-2018-339

Approval of the modification of the prerequisites in the curricular networks of the careers of Business Administration, Higher Accounting, Economics, Marketing and Systems and Telematics of the Faculty of Administration Sciences

Resolution No. CU-2018-338

Repeal of the Regulation of Evaluation and Rotations in Education focused on EEP problems of the Faculty of Medicine

Resolution No. CU-2018-337

Approval of the Regulation of Degree of Degree Programs of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018-336

Designation of decoration in tribute to the forgers of the University of Azuay and knowledge of the personnel who complete 25 years of service in the institution

Resolution No. CU-2018-335

Approval of the Instructions for the awarding of the Ernesto Alvarez Alvarez award

Resolution No. CU-2018- 334.

Approved the signing of the framework cooperation agreement with the Land Registry of the canton of Cuenca

Resolution No. CU-2018- 333.

Approved the signing of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Chamber of Industries, Production and Employment

Resolution No. CU-2018- 332.

Approved the signing of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Technical University of Loja and the Technical University of Machala

Resolution No. CU-2018- 331.

Approved the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Municipal Public Company of Telecommunications, Potable Water, Sewerage and Sanitation of the ETAPA Basin EP

Resolution No. CU-2018-330

Request for debt forgiveness

Resolution No. CU-2018-329

Approval of license requests

Resolution No. CU-2018-328

Approval of requests for financial support for doctoral studies

Resolution No. CU-2018-327

Designation of the student representative who will be part of the Scholarship Committee

Resolution No. CU-2018-326

Approval of the budget for the adaptation of offices for the UDA - Baños campus

Resolution No. CU-2018-325

Approval of the budget proforma for the year 2018

Resolution No. CU-2018-324

Approval of the budget settlement corresponding to the year 2017

Resolution No. CU-2018- 323

Approval of new innovative projects in third level careers

Resolution No. CU-2018- 322

Creation of electoral rolls for the election of the representative of the graduates to integrate the Councils of the Faculties of Design, Architecture and Art and Medicine

Resolution No. CU-2018- 321.

Approved the signing of the framework cooperation agreement with the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance of Ecuador

Resolution No. CU-2018- 320.

Ratified the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Central Sur Regional Electric Company CA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 319.

Approved the subscription of the agreement with the Foundation for the Support of the Integral Development of the Elderly

Resolution No. CU-2018- 318.

Approved the signing of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the development of Research and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 317.

Approved the signing of the cooperation agreement with the company Ecuacorriente SA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 316.

Approved the signing of the inter-institutional agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the development of the Research and the CEDIA Academy

Resolution No. CU-2018- 315.

Approved the signing of the inter-institutional cooperation framework agreement with the California Wheat Commission

Resolution No. CU-2018- 314.

Ratified the signing of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the National Institute of Cultural Heritage

Resolution No. CU-2018- 313.

Subscription of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Municipal Public Company of Urbanization and Housing of Cuenca EMUVI EP

Resolution No. CU-2018- 312.

Ratified the signing of the agreement with Hospital del Río SA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 311.

He ratified the signing of the specific agreement with the Alliance Française de Cuenca, in order to combine efforts and experiences, strengthening ties of academic and cultural cooperation.

Resolution No. CU-2018- 310.

Ratified the subscription of the addendum to the agreement with reference CIP-AL-345-17

Resolution No. CU-2018- 309.

Ratified the signing of the agreement with the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia CEDIA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 308.

Ratified the signing of the specific agreement of inter-institutional cooperation with the Municipal Public Toilet Company of Cuenca EMAC

Resolution No. CU-2018- 307.

Ratified the signing of the framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation with the 6 Zonal Coordination of the Ministry of Industries and Productivity

Resolution No. CU-2018- 306.

Subscription of the academic cooperation agreement with the Company C & V Ingeniería Cía. Ltda., For virtual training for teachers who are in charge of the Maintenance course

Resolution No. CU-2018- 305

Approval of requests for withdrawal of subjects

Resolution No. CU-2018- 304

Applications for Faculties and students

Resolution No. CU-2018- 303

Approval of license requests

Resolution No. CU-2018- 302

Requests for financial support for postgraduate studies

Resolution No. CU-2018- 301

Approval of the budget for works in the University auditorium

Resolution No. CU-2018- 300

Approval of tuition and fee values ​​for various graduate programs

Resolution No. CU-2018- 299

Report on the liquidation of the allocation of public funds for scholarships and redistribution of subsidies

Resolution No. CU-2018- 298

Codification of the Regulation for the application of tuition, fees and rights at the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018- 297

Appointment of the winners of the public competitions of merits and opposition held at the Faculty of Administration Sciences

Resolution No. CU-2018- 296

Appointment of the winners of the public competitions of merits and opposition held at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences

Resolution No. CU-2018- 295

Knowledge and resolution on the notification of TRUST, Fiduciaria Administradora de Fondos y Fideicomiso SA

Resolution No. CU-2018- 294

Approval of the update to the Internal Operating Regulations of the CEISH-UDA Human Research Ethics Committee

Resolution No. CU-2018- 293

Possession of the student representatives to the Co-government of the University 2018

Resolution No. CU-2018- 292

Approval of the Internal Work Regulations of the University of Azuay

Resolution No. CU-2018- 291

Determination of policies and fees for special teaching services

Resolution No. CU-2018- 290

Simplification and unification of procedures for payments of specific duties