Several teachers of the UDA in conferences on autism

Several teachers of the UDA in conferences on autism


Ximena Vélez Calvo, María del Carmen Cordero and Bernarda Quintanilla, professors of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Azuay (UDA), together with María Inmaculada Fernández and Gemma Pastor, professors of the University of Valencia, make up the organizing committee of the “ First Days of Autism and Education ”, which will be held on 18 and 19 September in the University of Valencia, Spain, which will also be transmitted via streaming for students of the local entity.
In these days the latest advances in research of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be communicated, in order to know the common characteristics of these children to maximize their learning.
Among the topics to be addressed are: early detection and diagnosis, sensory profile, explanatory theories: theory of executive functioning, theory of mind and theory of weak central coherence; impact and intervention in families, oral and written language, social interaction and its intervention, among others.


In addition to this event that takes place in the framework of the 35 years of the School of Special Education of the UDA, the "I International Conference of Education CIED UDA" is organized in order to disseminate scientific contributions in the educational area. 
The Congress will be held in March of the 2020. The deadline for sending papers and posters is extended until the October 20. The thematic axes such as: Inclusive and specialized education, Educational innovation, Educational innovation, Education and society, Specific teaching, Neurosciences, Psychology and Education.