Universities will have HUB

Universities will have HUB

Universities will have HUB


Promoting a strategic articulation between the academic, social, public and productive sectors is the objective of the implementation of the South HUB, through the signing of an agreement, with seven institutions of higher education. The objective of HUB Sur is to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer in the universities of Cuenca, Azuay, National Education, Salesian Polytechnic, Catholic of Cuenca, Particular Loja Technique and Machala Technique.


HUBs are networked spaces, through which the academy, the productive sector and the Government will support young people who wish to undertake and do not know how or where to start.


The implementation of the HUB is done with an investment of 1,8 million dollars. At the national level, six spaces will be installed, which will operate under the network modality.