UDA with mastery and anniversary book

UDA with mastery and anniversary book

UDA with mastery and anniversary book

The University of Azuay (UDA) has convened three masters in Business Administration, the same that have mentions in Finance, Projects and Sales, face-to-face.

Registrations are received until Sunday; the declaration of suitability will be received until the December 18; The English language admission test will be the 19 and the 20, the theoretical exam.

The beginning of the postgraduate course will be in February of the 2019. Registrations are received on the website https://posgrados.uazuay.edu.ec/convocatorias.

At the same time, the University has published a work on the occasion of celebrating its 50 years of foundation. The book "50 historias" gathers the testimonies of founders who have contributed with the Universidad del Azuay in the fields of teaching, administration and services.