UDA: 80 postulated to graduate; they will choose 7

UDA: 80 postulated to graduate; they will choose 7

Catalina Serrano, Director of Postgraduate Studies at UDA, explains the call to fourth level careers. LCC

Eighty candidates applied for a postgraduate study program in the specialty of medicine and obstetrics called by the University of Azuay (UDA). There is, however, room for only seven professionals so it is a selection process to choose them. Their academic merits will be taken into account, they will take exams and there will be an interview.

These doctors will continue their specialty at the "José Carrasco Arteaga" hospital, of the IESS, three of them and four at the "Pablo Jaramillo" clinic, in addition to the hours of study at the university.
The number of students of the specialty has depended on the houses of health and the welcome that they are in the capacity to offer.

The quotas are offered according to what the professionals are really going to have occupation and according to the graduate profiles defined by the university, says Catalina Serrano, Director of Postgraduate Studies at UDA.

Unlike the regular masters, the studies in the medical specialties have another regime and last three years, one more year than a master's degree and they are fulfilled in a health house. There are tutors who do the accompaniment of medical learning. It is, therefore, a theoretical-practical training. "This is a very important specialty for society," says the graduate director.

The university is running two other specialties in the medical area: in pediatrics and family medicine.


Next March, the UDA will offer postgraduate courses in neuropsychology and interior design. Likewise, postgraduate courses in environmental management, occupational health, criminal law and auditing will be opened.