All ready for the Masquerades

All ready for the Masquerades

Creativity and humor will take Huayna Cápac avenue from La República to the El Vergel bridge, in the 2020 Masquerade contest.

Starting at 18:00 p.m. on Monday, January 6, the 18 registered participants will delight the public with themes that transcended last year.

This is the case of the University of Cuenca, which will stage the theme 'From the páramo: geniuses, malgenies and something else', which refers to the national strike that took place last October, taking up the satire and criticism.

Camilo Flores, president of the University Artistic Cultural Association of this house of studies, pointed out that the preparation of the troupe began two months ago, however the idealization of the subject and drawing sketches began in September.

Juan Pacheco, a professor at the Faculty of Arts and in charge of the direction of comparsas, indicated that with the passing of the days the human and creative capital increased for January 6. Finally, there are 400 students for the troupe.

The University of Cuenca has participated in the contest for about 15 years. Esteban Torres, dean of the Faculty of Arts, pointed out that the 12 schools of the 12 faculties collaborated from management, generation of resources, music, among others.

Like the University of Cuenca, the Instituto Superior American College finalized details for its troupe that has as its theme 'Ledrin Thanos Revenge', which will capture the political reality lived in the country merged with the Los Advengers saga.

About 800 students from the American College Higher Institute, Corel Educational Unit and Bill Gates College will be on stage.

During the presentation there will be large structures and puppets that will show the talent. (I)