Representatives to the co-government of the UDA take office

Representatives to the co-government of the UDA take office

The University of Azuay, UDA, carried out the act of possession of the representatives of the graduates who were recently elected to integrate the agencies of co-government of the institution up to the 2020.

The Attorney General of the UDA, Franklin Bucheli, described the act as historic, for this house of studies, because it is the first time that the representatives of the graduates, the same ones who were democratically elected, have joined the agencies of co-government.

"This is fundamental because it allows us to co-govern, which is the shared direction of the university with the participation of different sectors of the community," said Bucheli.
The titular representatives of the graduates are Juanita Bersosa, Jorge Piedra, Cristian Cobos, Matías Abad, Damián Encalada and Esteban Segarra. The substitute representatives are Galo Cárdenas, Natalia Rincón, Daniela Orellana, Gabriela Fajardo, Robert Rockwood and Gabriela Fárez.

"I think that for the University is the beginning of the construction of an effective network of alumni, since with actions the institution has shown its willingness to strengthen its relationship," said Juanita Bersosa.