They prepare days on mental health

They prepare days on mental health


They prepare days on mental health 


The importance of mental health and how to treat it will be the focus of the Mental Health Update Days organized by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP). The event will be held tomorrow and Saturday in the auditorium of the Universidad del Azuay (UDA).


Mental health is the way we deal with the problems of day to day, work, family, and all the pressures we have daily. "It is facing life in a positive way" mentioned yesterday Johnatan Vélez, zonal responsible for Mental Health of the MSP.


In the conference lectures will be held with themes of the MSP, the approach from the perspective of the academy and discussion tables. For this, it was also linked to the Rest and Addiction Center (CRA).


Vélez commented that one out of every four people will suffer from a mental health disorder at some stage of their life. This is why it is important to link the academy to the new models of care.


The event is free and is aimed at the general public, but mainly students of psychology and psychiatry careers, as well as professionals in the area.

Those interested can register on the page: