Journalism "without filter", at the UDA

Journalism "without filter", at the UDA

The students of Communication of the University of Azuay (UDA) have organized their annual communication meeting that, in conferences and workshops, will address, today and tomorrow, the self-censorship or care that journalists and communicators have at the time of writing and producing their materials. With this perspective, this year's meeting, the fourteenth edition, is entitled "No filter".

The name is an irony to reflect on the filters that are put to the messages, either in social networks or to the daily work of journalists, (including sports) designers or publicists, an appointment for students, professionals and audiences.

Exhibitors will come from Loja, Quito, Guayaquil, Argentina, United States. Among them: Sebastián Deker (DirecTV Sports commentator), Fernando Alvarado (ex-secretary of communication), Fabián Reyes and Andrés Jaramillo (winners of a Pulitzer Prize for the Panama Papers). Francisco Ramírez will give a workshop.