Michael Trujillo leaves his mark in the US

Michael Trujillo leaves his mark in the US

Ecuadorian Michael Trujillo is 32 years old and has stood out with his profession of interior space design in the United States. 

The interior design profession fuses each culture with international trends in design. Beyond simply decorating spaces, interior design is committed to creating environments that captivate, inspire and serve the unique needs of its clients, fusing aesthetics and functionality. 

In this way, Michael Trujillo has designed spaces for consulates and also for at least 30 restaurants in the United States, some of these establishments have received recognition. 

He relates that he was born in New York, but that a few days after his birth he was brought by his relatives of Cuenca origin to Ecuador, where he enjoyed his childhood, adolescence and university years. She studied interior design at the University of Azuay (UDA). He obtained his third-level degree at the age of 24 and a few months later he traveled to the United States, where he currently practices his profession. 

He says that he first began working as a draftsman and learning the codes or regulations that govern abroad. One of his challenges was mastering the metric system, he mentions. Taking into account that in Ecuador measurements are recorded in centimeters and meters, while in the US, the measurement is in feet and inches. 

In New York, he contacted a Colombian architect who taught him what interior design work is like and taught him the regulations to work with. 

Then he joined a company in Manhattan and began with large projects and meetings with the Ecuadorian consulate, in order to also design the New Jersey Consulate, in the same way that his work is part of the Dominican Republic Consulate. This involved getting to know influential people in New York. 

In addition, he specialized in the restaurant area and met a renowned chef from Peru who was looking to expand his services and needed to design his premises. This restaurant won the Michelin star for two consecutive years. This is a recognition given to restaurants that offer exceptional cuisine. 

Another restaurant called “Artesano” was also designed by Michael Trujillo, after the world overcame the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This restaurant was recognized by the New York Times and was also published in Forbes magazine, due to the fame of its chef. 

Then the Guyana Consulate was contacted and the projection of Guyana is being made, proposals were made for the design of the dock, proposal for the ports, connections to the Caribbean islands and the projection of the expansion. 

The design of houses and buildings has given him great satisfaction; emphasizes that interior design is the interior architecture of a property, everything that is the interior restoration of places; It is not decoration but a new functionality to the space. He is currently restoring an Argentine cafeteria.