Tables seek to boost electronic commerce

Tables seek to boost electronic commerce

The "National Strategy for Electronic Commerce" was discussed at the dialogue tables that were implemented at the University of Azuay and seeking critical voices and new ideas to enhance this trade.

The 'Work tables for the construction of the National Electronic Commerce Strategy' arrived in Cuenca. The meeting was in the Multiple Use Room of the Universidad del Azuay, UDA.

These tables were implemented by the Ministry of Telecommunications, MINTEL; the UDA and the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries.
During the meeting, multisectoral participatory dialogues were developed on issues identified to enhance electronic commerce in Ecuador.

Jaime Moreno, director of the Chamber of Commerce, explained that the purpose of this initiative is to gather information on the main problems and propose solutions to these challenges, but based on proposals, strategies and actions that allow a favorable environment for this form of commerce.
This meeting was framed in the implementation of the Digital Ecuador Strategy, which in its innovative and Competitive Ecuador program that seeks the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, in productive and social sectors of the country.