Teens and their privacy

Teens and their privacy

There are a series of circumstances that cause communication between parents and adolescents to be lost. The most common phrases heard by young people are: 

"They don't understand me": Teenagers think that their parents can't understand what they feel; that they are unable to put themselves in his place and that they will only be criticized, without being heard or understood. 


"Because of shame": There are rows that are usually taboo for adolescents, causing their parents to embarrass them, especially at this stage where they are undergoing a series of changes and most need someone to guide them; but, not having enough confidence, they prefer not to speak. 

Actions violate privacy 

Many parents believe that just because they are their parents, they can invade their children's privacy, justifying that they do it with good will, even without considering that these actions mean that their children do not have their own space. These are some actions that invade privacy in a teenager who enters his room without knocking on the door, checks the drawers of his room, checks his cell phone, computer or tablet without consent, spy on his conversations, demands that he tell him everything happens, among others. 


The psychologist, Gabriela Matienzo, thinks that reaching extremes where a child's privacy is invaded is because there is no good relationship or because said relationship does not flow correctly. "All parents strive for their children to grow up happy, learn and become independent in the future, however, many times we love them too much, we overprotect them and do not let them act as they are; everything, with the purpose of caring for them and giving them a welfare".