Evergreen voice of Monsignor Luna

Evergreen voice of Monsignor Luna

María del Carmen Ochoa devised taking that oral word from Monsignor Luis Alberto Luna, taking from those tapes the homilies and messages that during 14 years he explained to parishioners at the masses he offered at the Cathedral of the Immaculate and transform them into a book.
The work was completed with the support of a group of men and women from the University of Azuay (UDA), who compiled these speeches. One year they took the task to edit the book "Word of Monsignor Luna", which was presented this week.
Phrases that were heard from the “pulpit”, messages of life, of the life of the parishioners, of their life, that is what you can read in this text. "It is the life of Monsignor Luna embodied through this paper," said Ochoa, for whom the goal of the material is for people to keep in their hearts the message that the priest and leader proclaimed for many years in Cuenca.


The homilies were recorded by Roberto Senesse, another activist from the Cuenca church, now deceased. The book not only collects the transcripts of his homily, but a deepening in each word, in each message extended in those sermons. "The curious thing and bigger at the same time of the whole investigation was discovering that the thread of all these homilies, sermons, was love, the guiding thread of Monseñor Luna's words, was love", says María del Carmen Ochoa .
It is the love towards God, it is the love towards the neighbor, it is the love without limits, without conditions, it is the love that teaches to have that predisposition, that service.
"Every day I had a different word. These are liturgical years, the gospel, the Bible will be the same, but the magic, the incredible thing is that Monseñor knows how to direct his word according to the moment humanity was going through, "says the person who promoted the compilation.
The multiplication of the loaves, either in Pucará from the generous heart of the community; or the multiplication of the loaves in places of war, or that multiplication in groups persecuted by the narco-guerrillas, those were the messages of Luna, a speaker, a man of the gospel, a man who not only focused his message in a local context but universal. (BSG) - (I)


- The book is a way to remember the legacy, the message of the priest and to say that he always lives among us, through the word; the book is a way to "immortalize" your voice.