The Telecommunications Trajectory: From Primitive Signals to the Pandemic Global Network

The Telecommunications Trajectory: From Primitive Signals to the Pandemic Global Network

Since the beginning of time, human beings have had the natural need to be able to communicate with each other, this in order to be able to transmit ideas or information from one place to another, the first communication systems used by human beings. Speech or the emission of sounds through the vocal cords, the sound of drums made from animal skin in the jungle and even communication systems over long distances such as smoke signals have been considered. 

However, the common use of the word telecommunications arises from communication systems that begin to use electricity as an essential element in sending information. 

The telegraph (Figure 1) in the XNUMXth century was an advanced system and one that in one way or another began the long journey in the history of telecommunications, inventions such as the telephone, radio and television at the beginning of the XNUMXth century led to telecommunications at a global level. In the second half of the XNUMXth century, the invention of the transistor and the development of integrated circuits paved the way for digital communications and the creation of the Internet. 


Figure 1 Telegraph

There came a time in the late 1990s where telecommunications entered a first bubble, the cause of excessive euphoria and speculation in the financial market in relation to telecommunications and technology companies, in addition to the technological stagnation produced by the lack of innovation. of the sector. 

The end of the bubble in which the sector found itself is thanks to the miniaturization of electronic components that, starting in 2000, allowed the proliferation of devices such as mobile phones, the launch of the second generation of phones from the Apple company (Figure 2), generates the first explosion of telecommunications since it directly influenced the way in which telecommunications service providers offer plans and services. 

Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),

Figure 2 Apple

Web browsing capabilities and applications drove demand for mobile data, leading to the expansion of networks, the introduction of data plans, revolutionized the way we use mobile technology, and laid the foundation for the smartphone era. modern and applications. 

During the decade from 2010 to 2020, telecommunications experienced rapid advancement and a series of significant changes. The decade began with the expansion of 4G/LTE networks, which offered much faster data speeds than previous technologies. 

Smartphones have become essential in everyday life. The proliferation of Internet-connected devices intensified during this decade. Online content consumption became popular with video and music streaming platforms. 


Global Pandemic Network 

The second burst of telecommunications occurs during the 2020 pandemic, telecommunications played a crucial role in allowing the continuity of many activities and facilitating communication in a time of physical distancing, allowing many companies and schools to switch to work and education remote; Video conferencing, online collaboration apps, and distance learning platforms became essential tools to keep productivity and education going. 

- Telecommunications facilitated telemedicine, allowing patients and doctors to communicate through video conferencing and online messaging; This was especially important for patients with chronic conditions and to reduce the spread of the virus in healthcare facilities. 

- Telecommunications allowed people to stay connected with friends and loved ones despite physical distancing; Video conferencing, social media and messaging apps played a vital role in maintaining relationships and easing isolation. Demand for online content has increased during the pandemic, with streaming platforms, online gaming and social media seeing increased usage; This provided people with ways of entertainment and distraction while at home. 

- Telecommunications facilitated the growth of e-commerce as people turned to online shopping to avoid physical stores; Online communication and electronic transactions were essential for delivery logistics and the purchasing process. 

- In short, telecommunications are the engine that drives the advancement of modern society. Its importance lies in its ability to bridge distances, unite cultures and enable global collaboration. As technology continues to evolve, telecommunications will continue to be a driving force that defines the way we live, work and relate in this increasingly interconnected world. 


The University of Azuay has implemented a Telecommunications laboratory of the highest technological level that allows the graduated Electronic Engineer to perform satisfactorily in public and private service companies and exercising free professional practice in the telecommunications sector; carrying out design and implementation activities of telephone networks, data networks, mobile communication systems and wireless links.