Education as a tool for social change

Education as a tool for social change

La education and knowledge transfer They have existed since the very creation of human beings. Before the formal existence of the university, philosophical studies were already carried out with the great thinkers of history such as Plato or Aristotle. However, with the creation of the university, several significant and methodical contributions have been made to humanity.

The value that the university has had, in the history of humanity, has made the changes in societies are much more accelerated than what has occurred in all times of human existence.

To put into context the importance of contributions from universities It is necessary to know its historical journey, knowing that it is one of the human institutions that has existed the longest and is also one that has made the most contributions to the modern world. Below is a review of the beginning of universities in the world, in Latin America and in Ecuador.

The creation of the university in the world dates back several centuries, being the following the first:

  • University of Bologna in Italy (1088)
  • Oxford University in England (1096)
  • Cambridge University in England (1209)
  • University of Salamanca in Spain (1218)
  • University of Paris also known as The Sorbonne (1257)

In their beginnings, all universities had their efforts focused on study of four areas:

  • Theology
  • Medicine
  • Right
  • Fine Arts

And as they advanced in time they had great personalities in science such as: Nicholas Copernicus, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Voltaire, etc., all of them made very significant contributions to the development of humanity.

In Latin America, universities began their existence in the 1538th century: Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (1548), Royal and Pontifical University of the city of the Kings of Lima (1551), Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico (1613), and National University of Córdoba (XNUMX).

In Ecuador, the appearance of the first University is the Central University of Ecuador in the year 1620, to later be called the Central University of Quito in the year 1826, after this the National University of Loja (1859), the University of Guayaquil (1867), the University of Cuenca (1867) and the Polytechnic School were created. National (1869).

In the city of Four universities have been created in Cuenca, which according to their order of creation are: University of Cuenca (1867), University of Azuay (1968), Catholic University of Cuenca (1970) and the Salesiana Polytechnic University (1994).

The focus of universities has been changing to address the society needs and thus provide relevant solutions to the problems that have arisen.

Since its beginning with universities focused on social sciences to have universities with an increasingly practical focus. In our country, universities have developed very well, being pillars for providing professionals capable of directing public and private institutions. However, it is necessary to continue promoting massive university education to try to overcome the problems that have plagued us for many years, which mainly have to do with social gaps and the lack of opportunities for economic development of the population.


It is proven that a society with higher levels of education has higher probability of success. Understanding success not only as the economic development of society, but rather as a balance between access to the basic needs of the population such as: food, health, education, security and work.

In short, that citizens have sufficient capacity to have a intellectual independence and that they can have an economic livelihood in a healthy and safe environment.


Technological field

Something we lack in our country is technological development, this field being a great opportunity to improve the economic conditions of any country. We must strengthen the study in technical areas, engineering and life sciences.

The ease we have today to access information makes the gap between developed countries and developing countries is smaller, and as long as the use of that information is well oriented, we can improve ourselves and reach international competitive standards.

The departure of several young people from the country to study abroad and return to contribute in the country is a model that several countries have used to achieve a long-term sustained development. Going out to experience, live and study in other countries allows us to currently have a large number of professionals with fourth level degrees willing to contribute to positive change in our environment.

Articulated work between the state, private sector and academia is essential, we must think about the universities as allies of social solutions and that the different sectors have more confidence in professionals from the country, for world-class challenges and that local technology can be developed.

The culture change for have more confidence in the country It depends on each one of us, the general change is marked by individual change.

La education of the population, with a focus on all levels, from the first years of school to the last years of university, is the true opportunity we have as a society to get ahead. There is no doubt that the development model based on quality education is a reality.