'The city does not move alone', talks about the planning of Cuenca

'The city does not move alone', talks about the planning of Cuenca

The teacher and researcher, Carla Hermida, presented her work entitled 'The city does not move alone'. The event was held this Thursday at the Universidad del Azuay, UDA.

"When I was eight years old my parents gave me a toy chalk blackboard. Since then I knew that I wanted to be a teacher, and that I had to continue studying for several more years, they told me that it had to be something that I love so much that I do not mind being in the same thing for four or five years ", were the words of Hermida present his work.

The roots of the work, according to the author, arose in the work carried out in the mobility secretariat and the planning direction of the Municipality of Cuenca, where it analyzed urban planning and mobility planning and management. "This is where I recognized the need to generate a coordinated and comprehensive plan between these two important elements for the development of the city."

“Living the experience from the inside, I realized that I was left over to do integral actions, what were these factors that prevented an efficient link? And that was when the question arose that constitutes the essence of the research project that today becomes a book, ”added Hermida.


The text talks about the relationship between urban planning and management and mobility, and how they dialogue or not dialogue, and in this process convergences, divergences, dependencies and independence are generated, which have an impact on practices, instruments and in the public policies of the city.

It was taken as a study period from 1999 to 2014. The first date because it was the year in which the Municipality began to plan the transit and transport, and the 2014 because it was when the tram was started. (I)

In 15 days this work will be available in Sodi Libro, at the Universidad del Azuay.