Registration in universities at a new cycle prior to registration

Registration in universities at a new cycle prior to registration

While the third year students of the baccalaureate are in week of supplementary exams and prepare their graduations, the universities of the city and the country are in the process of receiving their new students. The most advanced schedule is that of the Universidad del Azuay (UDA).
In this alma mater the registration period ends tomorrow, and on Friday and Saturday the aspirants to enter the house of studies must take an entrance exam, on general knowledge, whose results will be published in this month's 11.
Those who pass the test will go to a propaedeutic course that will start on Monday 23. Then there will be another test and those admitted will be considered students of the UDA, said the vice-rector, Martha Cobos. The entire process can be consulted at the web address
The previous week, the students of the last year of high school and those already graduates aspiring to enter a university or higher institute of the State took the "Be Bachiller" exam that gives them a place for a quota. In order to schedule your admission, the University of Cuenca hopes that, until next August's 20, the National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Senescyt), will inform you of the list of students chosen to enter the leveling course.
It will be the second leveling period after the one that occurred last May, the 22 of August would begin. The course will last one month and will depend on the chosen career; will have two levels of 30 points and one final, on 40, explained Patricio Narváez, in charge of the process of Leveling in the university.
Students with the highest scores, according to the available space for each race, will enter the university. Those who did the first leveling course will be assigned the 30% of the quotas and those who approve the second, to be dictated from the end of the month, the 70%.
It is not yet established a certain number of quotas, for the medical career, 200 would be: 70 of the first leveling and 140 of the second.
For its part, the Catholic University of Cuenca opened, yesterday, the registration period for their 25 races and will keep it until the August 23. Likewise, registrations are made, online, through the web portal
In this university the leveling course will be from the 24 from August to the 6 from September; leveling exam, day 7; the publication of results, the 8 and 9 of September, through the website. Enrollments for the first cycle are planned for the 10 and 11 and the start of the class, the 12 for September. However, the medical career has another schedule. The enrollment for the leveling cycle will be from the 20 from August to the 7 from September; the beginning of classes leveling of Medicine will be the 17 of September. Details of careers and costs are consulted on the page (AVB) - (I)

In the Salesiana Polytechnic University (UPS) the inscriptions for their 21 careers are open and will remain until the middle of next September to later enroll. In UPS, two new careers are opened: Bachelor's degrees in Risk and Disaster Management, and Agriculture.
The university intends to ensure the quota to all students who apply. There will be a prior course for diagnosis, leveling and admission, say Wilson Quintuña, academic coordinator of the Salesian University, Cuenca headquarters; Diego Peñalosa, Vice Chancellor of Postgraduate Studies; César Vázquez, vice chancellor of the Cuenca headquarters; and, Fernando Pesántez, vice chancellor for teaching.
The academics reminded that the 4 and 5 next September will be the enrollment for new students, the leveling course will be two weeks and the 24 of September is scheduled to start classes of all levels.
The new careers announced by the UPS will be taught at the Cuenca headquarters and practices and laboratory, for Agropecuaria, on the Uzhupud campus, in the Paute canton.
Registration for the UPS can be done on the website or by the Secretariat of the house of studies. At the time of registration the documents will be requested. (AVB) - (I)

- The U. de Cuenca offers 47 careers in 12 faculties: Architecture, Arts, Agricultural Sciences, Psychology, Dentistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Hospitality and Philosophy and Education.

- From the 3 to the 20 of July the apprenticeship of graduates of bachilleres, the printing of titles in the respective administrative districts is foreseen. The graduations will be from 23 to 25 in July.