Environmental Engineer at the UDA

Environmental Engineer at the UDA

The Higher Education Council CES, by resolution published in the Official Gazette RPC-SO-19-No. 335-2019, of the 29 of May of the current year, approved the creation of the Environmental Engineering Degree for the University of Azuay, with Face-to-Face Modality, with the Headquarters being the city of Cuenca.
The project promoted by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UDA a year and a half ago, has the foundation of training professionals in the environmental area on a scientific, ethical and humanistic basis, to implement solutions aimed at prevention, mitigation and control of environmental problems in the region and the country, to build a sustainable development that considers well-being, quality of life and the protection of natural resources as a primary objective.
However, the UDA already had a long tradition in environmental education and research, the School of Biology-Ecology was created in the year 2000, the IERSE important organization for research and association with the community, established since the year 1985 and that It works for the decentralized development of Ecuador, through geomatics, geographic information systems for environmental management, territorial planning, air and water quality monitoring, with the province and the southern region benefiting.
Without a doubt, it is essential to approach education and care for the environment with the seriousness necessary to be able to reverse the habits that caused damage to our planet, to the whole country. It is inevitable to incorporate the idea that with the passage of time and maintaining harmful behavior towards the environment we will lose the opportunity to have a better quality of life, the common village and the beings that inhabit it will deteriorate, being the commitment and responsibility of the Academy inescapable.


Gonzalo Clavijo Campos