Humor, satire, and joy in Mascaradas

Humor, satire, and joy in Mascaradas

The overwhelming joy and ingenuity merged last night with the performance of hundreds of young people and adults who participated in the Mascaradas parade. The Cuencans gathered at the traditional party that takes place on Huayna Cápac Avenue.


"Living masquerades has no age," said Alfonso Bermeo, a 43 years old basin who participates since childhood in the traditional parade and yesterday dressed as devil wearing black jacket, mask, claws and a cane. He interacted with the people teaching that "there is no age to attend this party".


The largest number of participants were young people from universities in the city, who performed dances and performances related to politics, nature care, entertainment, respect for animal rights, inclusion and popular celebration. Some toured allegorical cars, others manipulated giant puppets, carrying wings; They also used meticulous makeup, with masks, masks or wigs, but all dazzled in their wake.

The political issues left in evidence the dissatisfaction of the people and was reflected in the harsh criticism of local authorities for the poor state of the roads and other concerns. In addition, an exjueza dismissed was also the protagonist. (FCS) (F)


Peluditos create awareness

Cuenca. Several dogs rescued by the Peluditos Cuenca group participate for the first time in the Mascaradas parade. The idea of ​​the coordinators of this center, said its director Martha Parra, is to raise public awareness about the care of animals and respect for their rights. A cage represented the abuse of vendors, while Arturito, a dog with a disability, came out in homage to other pets in the same situation. 


Nova, inclusion in art

Cuenca. Once again the Nova Educational Unit and its inclusive proposal participated in the Mascaradas parade. This time they did it with 105 students of the institution, in the company of their parents, who represented the different "races that the Cuencans go to", for example, the races to the bathroom, to pay the taxes and other troubles of the people, noted the center's director, Miriam Maldonado.


Participation of Firemen

Cuenca. The Fire Department of Cuenca, dispatched personnel to the Mascaradas parade, not to solve an emergency, but to foster tradition and for the first time share in this party. Clad in costumes of cholas and clowns, they led a representation that seeks to raise awareness about the indiscriminate burning of nature. More personnel dressed in costumes of plants and trees and others represented the workers in the red coat in their work. 


A Longe who was crazy

Cuenca. It is the third consecutive year that Fernando Luna of 38 years, dresses in Masquerades of the character known as Longe Moco, a comic longe of horrible face, hump and aquiline nose that tells horror stories. To imitate him, Luna carried a book in which, according to him, the stories he told the people attending the parade were recorded. He participated in the individual category, which although he does not expect to win, is a way to maintain a tradition. 


San Blas returns to the 10 years

Cuenca. The San Blas neighborhood, through Club Amigos Por Siempre, once again participated in Mascaradas after 10 years. One of its leaders, Edgar Becerra, said that it is always good to take up the traditions and more doing with one of the characters that has given more talk in recent days, an exjueza. Although he regrets that the neighborhood has been disunited, he hopes to reunite them again from now on. 
