Francisco Salgado wins re-election as rector of the University of Azuay

Francisco Salgado wins re-election as rector of the University of Azuay

In the elections for authorities of the University of Azuay, held this Friday, December 3, 2021, the current rector Francisco Salgado won re-election. 


Salgado led list 1, along with Genoveva Malo, as a candidate for Academic Vice-Chancellor, and Raffaella Ansaloni, as a candidate for Research Vice-Chancellor.


Meanwhile, in list 2, Cecilia Ugalde was in charge, together with Daniel Cordero, for academic vice-rector, and Ana Lucia Pacurucu, for research vice-rector. 


Ugalde had significant support from the students, while Salgado was supported by the teachers, whose vote represents 70% of the total. On the other hand, the votes of the students represent 25% and of the administrative staff 5%. 


In absolute numbers, Salgado received 192 votes from teachers, 153 from administrative staff and 966 from students. 


Cecilia Ugalde received 87 votes from teachers, 102 from administrators and 2.703 from students.