Students will design mobile application for school transport

Students will design mobile application for school transport


Yesterday, the University of Azuay, represented by the rector, Francisco Salgado, and the EMOV Municipal Mobility Company, through its manager Juan Carlos Aguirre, signed an agreement that will allow the development of a web and mobile application project for transport management school in the canton Cuenca.

The agreement allows EMOV to the University of Azuay to develop, through six of its students of the School of Systems and Telematics Engineering, the design of the application in reference. This work will be under the internship modality.

There is no definite term, but when it is ready, it will be the power of the EMOV, as appropriate to its interests, to implement this digital application in the operability of public transport in the city of Cuenca, permanently, it was explained during the signing of the agreement .

The digital tool would be very useful for parents, who will be able to know through their cell phones or other electronic devices, the location of school buses, in which their children are transported from their homes to different educational establishments and vice versa.

At the moment there is a tool with similar characteristics to the one planned by university students, but its access has a cost.