"In these 50 years pluralism has been maintained"

"In these 50 years pluralism has been maintained"

"In these 50 years pluralism has been maintained"



The rector of the University of Azuay, Francisco Salgado, makes an assessment of the beginnings, growth and challenges that the institution has lived in these 50 years of educational service. Details how they are projected in the future to continue contributing to the society of Cuenca and the country, through the training of professionals.


Q. How does the University of Azuay live these 50 years?

R. We have come to the 50 years with the great joy of being a consolidated community of teachers, students and workers who was born in the 68 and that, over time, has been fortified. It is good to remember that when the University began, we started as a Higher Institute of Philosophy, under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Cuenca. The world was living the changes brought by the Second Vatican Council, the opening of the church to society. We had the French May, the student movements in Mexico, the Prague Spring. There was an effervescence in the search for changes so as not to continue in what traditionally were young people. Here also arose the need for a university concerned because there is a profoundly humanistic formation of the person and allow the seat of reason in the university. It arises with the idea of ​​being totally pluralistic.


Q. What stands out in these 50 years?

R. I think there are two fundamental things. We have privileged the training of people and we are pleased to say that our former students have played an important role in public and private sectors. That is, they have the ability to think for themselves, to function autonomously.

I think it is a symbol of the University because that is demonstrated by our graduates, both in the world of service and politics as well as in companies and industries.

It is a clear sign that the privilege in the University is the formation of people.


Q. Have you managed to contribute to the city through these professionals?

R. Without a doubt, with the city, the province and the country. I argue that the key issue is not only to train professionals, which is fundamental, but it is not just the profession, it has to be a little more.

The mission of the University is to train citizens capable of transforming the world, because the world has very constant changes, above all, change in recent times are very accelerated. What they learn in the university has to be constantly updated as it did not happen in other times.


Q. The biggest challenge you have had to face during this time?

R. There are many. In the first stage, the first challenge was financial and economic, because there were no resources, local and that meant that many of the founders worked practically on a voluntary basis. That was the time of planting, the most difficult. Afterwards, we had some difficult facts to overcome, such as when on our campus there was a slip problem that affected the buildings. It has also been important to maintain a style of its own, especially in the previous 10 years where there was a very rigid model and a mold that prevailed in most universities. The fact of trying to maintain autonomy and our own style was one of the greatest challenges and I think we are achieving it.


Q. Do you also refer to the evaluation and accreditation process?

R. Exactly. Because first, a very important thing, the University of Azuay was the first accredited from Ecuador. At that time the rector was Mario Jaramillo and that was an important achievement. We have always believed that it is necessary to evaluate ourselves to improve and, therefore, we were the first university to reach the process when there was still no obligation. Then, in the first evaluation that was done in the 14 mandate, the UDA was in category A. We are not afraid of the evaluation. We believe it is good. What is the problem that occurred? That an attempt was made to impose a unique model, a mold conceived in some minds of some officials and was trying to impose a unique structure by removing the essence of universities. A paper university was privileged, filling out forms to give satisfaction to the control agencies. We have privileged the essence and we are working on doing a good university.


Q. Has part of that work been coupling with modernity?

R. We have aspects made in these last two years that allow us to celebrate our Golden Weddings with height. They come from the permanent Symposium about the University. We reflect on what is the idea we have of the university, what university we want to build. And this has allowed us, for example, on the issue of infrastructure, to think about what a campus is and, based on philosophical principles, to transform the campus. The second aspect that we have changed is the educational model. We have reflected on the educational model in the Symposium in order to rethink how the Universidad del Azuay was born on the subject of humanism, of the person and we have put it in the light of our contemporary times, where the changes in social and technological organization are very great .


Q. With all the challenges posed and overcome, how are they projected?

R. Above all, how are we going to address the profound changes in the coming years?

We can not continue thinking about a career that remains unchanged over time.

We have to adjust to the changes that are taking place in the world, very strong changes, such as the emergence of artificial intelligence. That means that we must imagine what is the real essence of the person to deepen it, to give him the ability not to stay in what was formed in the university, but in what is said to be learning throughout life.

We must pay attention to what updates we have to do so that young people leave prepared for life and their challenges. (I)



> Campus. After occupying several spaces, in 1980 they moved to the current premises where the University operates.

> Authorities. Along with Salgado, the directors are: Martha Cobos, as Academic Vice Chancellor and Jacinto Guillén, Vice Chancellor for Research.

> Postgraduate degrees. The Graduate School of the UDA is an academic community with an interdisciplinary, innovative and flexible fourth level study offer.




28 university courses offer the institution through its six faculties.


6.000 students approximately has the University of Azuay.



"We form citizens capable of transforming the world, because the world has changes."

"Maintaining autonomy and our own style was one of the greatest challenges."

"The mission of the professor in our university is to promote and accompany learning."

"We maintain the idea of ​​pluralism ... and we celebrate 50 years of being the seat of reason and seat of the heart."