Parade sealed 50 years of the UDA

Parade sealed 50 years of the UDA

Parade sealed 50 years of the UDA


A Mercedes Benz 1927 (replica) driven by Pedro López was commissioned to carry, with the sign "1968 Founders", the academics Juan Cordero, Claudio Monsalve and Carlos Tapia, yesterday during the commemorative parade for the 50 years of the Universidad del Azuay (UDA).


Several promotions paraded this Saturday under a favorable climate and the animation of speakers installed in some sections, accompanied by varied music. Military, batucadas, zanqueros, town bands and big dolls accompanied on this day.


Another classic, a Ford Granada 1975 led by Xavier Galindo, led Luis Tonón and Francisco Olmedo, the "UDA Forgers."


Next were the members of the first class of the University, year 1968, integrated by: Alberto Astudillo, Holger Ramos, Laura de Ramos, Miguel Tacuri, Alberto Machuca, Ovillo Muñoz, Abdilón Arciniégas, Nicanor Merchán Luco, Julio Peralta, José Quintuña, Carmita Cisneros, Gerardo Peña, Piedad Samaniego, Jaime Cantos and Vicente Córdova.




The rector of the UDA, Francisco Salgado Arteaga, PhD, who works 32 years in this house of higher studies, said “this day is the great emotion of the reunion of those who passed through the university in these 50 years and who could really sow what we have reaped on this day. ”


For the exvicerrector, Joaquín Moreno Aguilar, being in this parade "is to remember many moments in which, with this group of people, the university was built little by little, which we consider to be very good quality and very honest, I believe that if anything we have tried to be in the UDA is to be honest in our behavior, in our way of being, in the titles we give ".


For Mario Jaramillo, professor during 42 years, celebrate this half century "is the consolidation of a first stage of the beginning of a new period, but always by the same path of service to the community with the best academic level".


The poet Sara Vanegas, a researcher at the University, "is a magnificent opportunity, first to praise the UDA that does so much good to the community of Cuenca and Ecuador, and then it is a beautiful place to meet with friends and colleagues."


At the discretion of Rafael Argudo, a professor of Languages ​​at the Faculty of Philosophy, who works 18 years for this house, the most important thing is "to walk the streets and meet again with an alumnus who says: look at the teacher, today I do not only have a great title, but I am a good person, I do not hurt anyone and I contribute to the country ".