Cuy of the truth

Cuy of the truth

Cuy of the truth


The increasingly imminent attachment to social networks, motivates a large number of followers to observe marginally content that on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other applications, are published. The existence of the so-called trolls, "people" with false identities, who act at their convenience without even knowing who their victims are, to tear their honor apart, that of their families and their executions, has become increasingly common . Or the accounts created to propagate news without any basis or responsibility, generally linked to issues of social or citizen interest, such as the Tranvía de Cuenca project.


In September of 2018, date coinciding with the start of classes of the School of Communication of the UDA, the professor of Ethics in Social Communication, Jorge Pierda Cardoso, with the support of the Director of the branch of Matías Zibell, created the project called "Cuy de la verdad", a research space to learn what is called fake news. 20 are students with specific roles such as layout, writing, field research, document analysis, who with the direction and control of the aforementioned professionals, perform the commendable task of distorting deception, and help reflect the truth of things.


They began their dawn precisely in this electoral season, in which the minds of horror creatives are devising the graphic and written form of discrediting, above all, those who have had a clean citizen life and service to others. And the fruits have already begun to be seen when they have disrupted perverse information, profiles with filing data, professional title, Senescyt registration, address with street names and even numbering, which turned out to be completely false. The twitter account @CuyVerdad is a very good reference to find out about the supposed news with great impact on the public, but full of lies of all kinds.


The denunciations made by well-known people, those of flesh and blood who are identified without the need for investigation, by their real profiles, and the contribution to warn about the events in which the public life of the country is put judgment, they are the affordable location. Generally, they have a good amount of followers, the writing of their comments are impeccable, and their perfect spelling. And above all, their contributions become valuable sources of information, verifiable and testable.


Umberto Eco, once said "that social networks are a dangerous instrument because they did not allow who is talking." Perhaps he is right when the media apparatus becomes the special way to hide, to unleash the lowest passions. That is why it is important to support projects such as the "guinea pig of truth", congratulate them for being a very good practice to begin in the world of investigative journalism; and also, to discover the intricate nature of the news or the commentary, and to differentiate fiction from reality, which sometimes coexist silently in this space of search for truth.