Science of communication is linked to company

Science of communication is linked to company

The Tinta Tinto meeting and the International Communication Congress (CICOM) are held in the UDA.

A new edition of Tinta Tinto, the meeting of university students of communication organized by the University of Azuay, (UDA), this year comes together with the International Congress (CICOM) of the same subject, which promotes the house of studies.
Yesterday the student meeting, "Conectamundos", was presented, while the academic congress will take place today and tomorrow. The theme to be addressed in it is communication in the dissemination of sustainability in companies and institutions.
Part of the meeting was the exhibition of works by students from Machala, Guayaquil, Ambato and Cuenca, in the categories of writing, advertising, photography, video, multimedia, communication research and audio. 180 jobs came to be presented.
Creative digital photography, the use of color in black and white photos, a waterfall, the city of celebration, were some of the elements; the Espíritu Santo University participated with a fiction short film "A crime for a crime".
For the first time, the category of research was included to demonstrate the abilities of students to contribute to society.
Valeriano Piñeiro, one of the lecturers invited to the event, arrived from Da Beira University, Portugal and had a dialogue with the students on "Fundamentals of Analysis of the 2.0 Platforms".
The Tinta Tinto meetings have already 15 years, the intention with them is to reward the works of communication students; this year we wanted to link them also with companies, so they can present their work and become known as future professionals, said teacher Natalia Rincón, professor of Organization of Events.
Paúl Domínguez, leader of the students, said that Tinta Tinto is the emblematic event of the students of the race, which allows them to assess the work they do in the classrooms.
There will be an award ceremony for the works submitted to the contest, it will be tomorrow, at 20: 00, at Casa del Río, at Quinta Lucrecia, at the same time that CICOM is closed. (AVB) - (I)

In parallel, this year's CICOM International Conference, called "Conecta mundos", links the company and the academy on sensibility.
A research on sustainability, (ie the use of environmental resources without depredation and if possible with their regeneration), conducted in Brazil and Ecuador, revealed that, in the local environment, an 54% of companies did not have Department of Sustainability.
The book with the results of the investigation, made by the teacher Maria Aparecida Ferrari, will be presented tonight as part of the appointment.
For both events, the students were divided into commissions: Public Relations, Economic, Logistics and Contests, with the support of the University. With the event they gain experience in the organization of events.