They assume rector and two vice-chancellors of UDA

They assume rector and two vice-chancellors of UDA

In the central auditorium of the University of Azuay (UDA) was held last night the solemn session of possession of the new authorities of this higher education center.

Francisco Salgado Arteaga, since yesterday took over the rectorship of this institution of higher education for the next five years, will be accompanied by Martha Cobos as academic vice-rector and Jacinto Guillén, who will occupy the position of vice chancellor of investigations.

Both Salgado and the academic vice-rector have a PhD degree, while Guillen has a master's degree.
The new university authorities of the 1 list called Más UDA, were designated last January's 5, after succeeding in the electoral process with around 50% of the votes to the opponent list called Towards Excellence integrated by Gustavo Chacón, Ana Lucia Pacurucu and Carlos Guevara.

One of the first actions that the new rector of the UDA will undertake is the institutionalization of the university, which implies issuing the necessary regulations and putting them in tune with the new statute that was approved in the month of March, to this it is necessary to undertake the respective measures for the university to return to category A.
For their part, Carlos Cordero and Miriam Briones, outgoing rector and rector, through a message broadcast on the UDA's social networks, thanked the university community for the support throughout its management and for the opportunity to let them serve.

"Five years ago we committed ourselves to a challenge, which was assumed as a joint task. Students, administrators, employees and teachers were the protagonists of a work of which we are proud, "says part of the message. (JBS) - (I)