Activity in educational establishments

Activity in educational establishments

Once the end of the year holiday was over, which meant an increase in physical meetings, the institutions, mainly educational ones, decided to postpone the return to face-to-face classes. 

The University of Cuenca, the Catholic University and the University of Azuay chose to develop this week through virtuality. They were joined by private first and secondary schools that did not summon their students to the classrooms to prevent possible contagion. 

In contrast, in the public sector, several educational units returned normally to face-to-face classes. 

However, through a memorandum sent by Miguel Pesántez, coordinator of zone 6 of the Ministry of Education, district directors were informed that, if a student or teacher presents symptoms related to COVID, they should not attend educational institutions. . 

In the same document, the coordinator added that, from January 10, educational establishments that already have their Institutional Plan for Educational Continuity (PICE) approved, must update it, offering attendance at all levels and respecting the maximum capacity calculated. of 2,25 square meters per student and teacher.