United for the development of the Amazon

United for the development of the Amazon

On March 31 and April 1, the first edition of the event “United Amazon Colloquium 2021” was held, organized by the UNIDA consortium (United for the Development of the Amazon) and represented, on this occasion, by the Mendel University and the Masaryk University of Brno in the Czech Republic and the University of Azuay in Ecuador.

UNIDA, considered a multidisciplinary platform of non-profit organizations and universities established since 2019, organized the event with the aim of protecting the cultural and natural heritage hidden in the world of the Amazon rainforest, as well as dealing with and reporting on issues related to its vast nature and multiculturalism.

In the case of the Universidad del Azuay, the event was coordinated by Cecilia Ugalde and Narcisa Ullauri, who were also part of the group of 13 speakers from different countries of the world who gave life to the event (Czech Republic, Italy, Peru, Mexico and Ecuador).

The event lasted a total of 8 hours in which topics such as traditions, languages, politics, tourism, biodiversity, health, among others, all of these united by a common theme: the Amazon.

The union offered the virtual event to the public for free, organizing it through the Zoom platform and transmitting it on Facebook Live both in presentations and in its round table.

The consortium emphasized its ambition for a new edition, 2022, in person.

UDA Correspondent