"A space to recover the essence of the Faculty of Science and Technology"

"A space to recover the essence of the Faculty of Science and Technology"

The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Azuay created last quarter the space of the "Friday of Knowledge and Culture" that is retaken this semester from the 20 of October.

The coordination of the event is in charge of the Academic Boards of the seven Schools that make up the Faculty and involves students and teachers throughout the UDA.

Andrés López, Dean of Science and Technology, told us about the trajectory of the "Friday of Knowledge and Culture" in the following interview.

López is an Engineer in Automotive Mechanics from the Universidad del Azuay and has a Doctorate in Propulsive Systems in Transportation Media from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain.

How did the idea of ​​carrying out the "Friday of Knowledge and Culture" in the Faculty of Science and Technology?

We think about generating a space in which we recover in some way the essence of the Faculty, creating a space of dialogue and debate with diverse topics, not exclusively of science or technology.

How does this space affect the students of the Faculty?

We believe that it is essential for our students to have an integral education: that they know about subjects clearly of their careers and of transcendental subjects of general culture.

In this atmosphere of dialogue and debate students can expose their doubts and their knowledge.

It should be noted that the "Friday of Knowledge and Culture" is not exclusively for students but we seek to be an event for the general public.

What topics are discussed in these meetings?

On one of the Friday we had the pleasant visit of Juan Cordero, former director of the UDA, who told us about the history of the University.

On another occasion, Mario Jaramillo, also an ex-rector of the University, visited us and spoke about culture and modern art.

Who have been your guests at the presentations?

We have had high-level guests such as the former rectors, the current Rector, university professors, city authorities, and now we want to extend the invitation to former students so that they can talk with our students about their experiences in life. professional.

What promises the first Friday of Knowledge and Culture of this cycle?

We will have a special guest, Dr. Oswaldo Encalada, who has prepared a paper on Language and Science.

That is why we are waiting for all of you, because we are all society. This space is for the general public.