A space for education

A space for education

On December 8, the academic days of Education were held, organized by the University of Azuay and the School of Special Education, with the aim of generating a space for dialogue, reflection and academic debate on the main research advances in the educational area. .

The event arose with the initiative of making this meeting a proposal that is established as part of the identity of Education careers, promoting research and dissemination of scientific advances in the field of education.

The conference began with a few words of welcome from Ramiro Laso, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, who also opened the event:

"It is curiosity that makes us great, two take a long, clean look to contemplate all the vicissitudes of the human being based on their own training."

The lecturers and speakers had 30 minutes for their intervention and to answer the questions from the participants. The first lecture was given by Carlos Guevara, who spoke about the importance of neuroeducation:

“When a student goes to school what he does is come to satisfy his needs, which are also multiple, from cognitive to spiritual, therefore, it is important to understand that a student is a human being, not a number or more surname in the list that is given to us at the beginning of the cycle ”.

Next, Elisa Piedra, Karina Huiracocha, Cindy López and Andrea Freire made the presentation on their research on socio-emotional development in preschool children who attend public and private educational centers.

The objective of the research was to know the level of socio-emotional well-being in children, taking into account their origin, age and gender differences.

One of the last speakers was Janio Jadán, who spoke about innovations for inclusive education. The technologies constitute a support to facilitate certain physical, auditory, visual and intellectual limitations of the human being.


UDA Correspondent