An entrepreneur becomes

An entrepreneur becomes

The talk "Marketing, entrepreneurship and innovation", organized by the School of Production Engineering and Operations of the University of Azuay, took place this October 8 and was given by Professor María Elena Castro.

The first to speak was Andrea Muñoz, who emphasized that the purpose of this space was to share and discuss topics of current interest.

Along the same lines, Andrés López, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, stated that the discussion would be of great help to those who have projects, but do not know how to promote them:

"We have very good projects, very good initiatives and very good research, but sometimes we cannot convey that adequately."

During the meeting, the speaker pointed out that "an entrepreneur is born, but it is also made", since acquiring administrative, communication and business execution skills are what makes a person develop in the area of ​​entrepreneurship.

In the current context of panemdia, Castro stressed that the participation of young people, "who are those who have a positive and supportive spirit," is necessary to overcome this crisis and reactivate society.

In this, the speaker coincided with the Coordinator of the Production Engineering career, Iván Coronel, who commented that global society and its attempt to overcome the current health crisis is facing two specific challenges:

"The need to return to a daily routine that is marked by strategies for the protection of health and life, and the need to reactivate in a progressive and sustained manner all the productive systems that have been affected by this situation." 

UDA Correspondent