Workshop on toxic relationships

Workshop on toxic relationships

The April 27 developed the round table on toxic relationships vs. healthy relationships, in the Multiple Use Room of the University of Azuay, as part of the project called UDA Activa, initiative of the Student Welfare Department -Mi UDA- with the collaboration of the different ASO Schools of the University.

This is the second workshop that was held on toxic relationships, the first one took place a month ago and was given to the student leaders, with the objective that they share their experience of this project, aimed at generating recreational and learning spaces for all the university community.

The topics discussed in the round table this Friday were "to know the characteristics of healthy relationships. toxic relationships, to determine from personal experience what kind of relationship we are in "and" give us self-care tools that allow us to choose healthy relationships, under equal conditions ".

The round table counted on two exponents:

  • María Isabel Cordero, specialist in sex education, expert in gender, development and planning. Works on issues such as women's rights, gender violence, prevention of unwanted pregnancy, among others.
  • Cesibel Ochoa, clinical psychologist, specialist in integrative psychotherapy and sexological clinic; She has given talks and conferences in Argentina, Spain, Panama and Ecuador. She was the director of the culture department of the University of Azuay.

Both speakers talked about the signs that can identify a toxic relationship such as: constant jealousy; control of schedules, cell phone, personal expenses, friendships or way of dressing); limits to the freedom of choice and the realization of activities; devaluation; disparagement; among others and his conclusion was "if you identify with any of these, get out of there".

“We can see the suffering that it generates when the boys are included in relationships that do not allow them to be who they are, that do not help them to grow as people, that limit and invalidate them, unfortunately there is a high incidence within the University of Azuay of those cases, ”concluded Maricela Moscoso, a psychologist at the University of Azuay.