On new technologies and inclusion in Education

On new technologies and inclusion in Education

On July 16, the book “ICT And Education In The Perspective Of Experts From Business, Government, Academia And NGOs In Europe, Latin America And Caribbean” took place.

The editors of the work are Magalí Arteaga, Łukasz Tomczyk, Gabriel Barros and Solomon Sunday Oyelere.

Magalí Arteaga, editor and Director of the Department of Languages ​​of the Universidad del Azuay, spoke with the Campus about the origins of this book, its theme and its relevance.

The book emerges as part of the SELI project (Smart Ecosystem Learning Inclusion) that seeks to develop an open access platform to facilitate inclusion of all kinds in educational processes.

During the development of the platform, various needs arose, such as the analysis of the situation of the participating countries regarding the use of digital technologies applied in education, in order to know the aspects that still merit deep work or to identify governmental aspects that need strengthening. .

The book is made up of chapters written in the following countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Finland, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Turkey.

Each country conducted its research through researchers appointed by the representative universities. So from Ecuador: University of Azuay; Poland: University of Krakow; Bolivia: San Simón University; Brazil: Mackenzie University; Dominican Republic: Federico Henríquez y Carvajal University; Finland: University of Eastern Finland; Turkey: Hacettepe University; Uruguay: University of the Republic.

The text presents critical aspects of the use of technologies that have not been addressed in other educational texts.

Such critical points highlight the importance of pedagogy about technologies and the criticality that a teacher needs to make appropriate use of ICTs in classrooms.

Furthermore, the opinion expressed by editorial and government executives shows that the technologies are present and their use still requires in-depth analysis for their implementation.