Without doubt, diabetes can be prevented

Without doubt, diabetes can be prevented

On Thursday 23 November in the design courtyard of the University of Azuay students of the Faculty of Medicine gave lectures aimed at preventing diabetes.

As a result of the celebration of the World Diabetes Day last November 14, the Faculty considered it opportune to make these preventive talks so that the university community change their eating habits and lifestyle in order to lead a life without diabetes.

Carla Salgado and Johann Radax, professors of the Faculty of Medicine, were the ones who led the preventive day by making people aware of changes in the habitual diet, since some of the products that circulate in the market and claim to be healthy actually entail great amount of sugars, thus making the population more prone to acquire diabetes.

"There are several factors that cause diabetes, some can not be prevented because they are in our genetics, but others can modify them, such as our lifestyle and the way we eat. We must choose our food better, "said Salgado.

Exercising constantly is among the tips to prevent diabetes; Regularly check that the weight is healthy; consume healthy fats, whole grains and completely stop refined sugars; and stop smoking because according to statistics a smoker has almost the 50% more risk of suffering from diabetes.

"A healthy diet and an optimal lifestyle should be promoted, but above all, a healthy emotional state should be encouraged since this will help not only to prevent diabetes but also many other diseases," said Francisco Alvear, a medical student.

While the preventive talks were taking place, the students offered the public healthy foods such as fresh fruits, cereals, nuts and also sugar-free cookies and jams to raise awareness that you can eat foods that are rich but low in sugar.

"A life without diabetes is possible. Act now! "Was the phrase that accompanied the informative brochures that were given to the public and that is part of the movement" I am UDA, I do prevention ", which intends to continue giving this type of talks for diseases that can be prevent with changes in lifestyle.

"The changes that are intended to achieve one does not have to be done alone but in family and society, help each other, in our workplace and in our community to achieve a real change in eating habits," said Carla Salgado , professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the UDA.