Research Symposium: the joy of sharing knowledge

Research Symposium: the joy of sharing knowledge

On November 15, the University of Azuay, together with its Vice-Rector for Research, held the inauguration of the Research Symposium, an event that is framed within the sustainable development objectives, mainly in objective 4: Quality Education.

The meeting was attended by authorities, professors, administrative staff of our university community and keynote speakers. 

The event is an occasion to exchange knowledge, findings, experiences, publications, data and works, to learn what our university community does, to reflect on the effectiveness of research and its impact on our environment.

This symposium, organized with keynote conferences and thematic tables, will take place on the 15th and 16th of this month. At this event, the Rector in his welcoming words highlighted the importance of recovering the essence of the symposium that comes from “simpotere” which in Latin means “drinking from the same cup” to refer to the banquet and the joy of sharing knowledge. 

Likewise, Genoveva Malo, Academic Vice-Rector, highlighted that the University's educational model speaks of the purpose of knowing the world to care for it and transform it and it must be done in the light of science.

Finally, Raffaella Ansaloni, Vice-Rector for Research and organizer of the symposium explained its organization, inviting everyone to join the great celebration of science and work for the great objectives of the common good.

Research Symposium


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