Statistics Symposium: the transformative impact of statistics on society

Statistics Symposium: the transformative impact of statistics on society

On March 27 at the University of Azuay, the Statistics Symposium “beyond numbers, the transformative impact of statistics on society” was held, an event that is framed within the sustainable development objectives, mainly the objectives 4: Quality Education and 16: Peace, Justice and Solid Institutions.

The event was attended by authorities, teachers, administrative staff, members of the Statistics Center and students from our university community, and the general public. 

The main objective of the symposium is to share knowledge and promote the exchange of ideas around the importance of the use of statistics and data analysis as transformative elements of society.

The welcoming words were given by Francisco Salgado, rector of the University of Azuay, who highlighted the importance of data, since they contain knowledge and they are an extremely powerful tool for science and everyday life. 

For his part, Fernando Córdova, coordinator of the Symposium, presented the event and in turn announced the new Master's program in Applied Statistics that our institution will offer; pointing out that both in the symposium and the program, participants will learn how statistics becomes a compass that guides decision-making. 

Finally, Omar Inga, executive director of IERSE, gave the introductory talk to the Statistics Symposium. 

Statistics Symposium


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