Sixth edition of the Design Research Congress

Sixth edition of the Design Research Congress

During October 11, 12 and 13, the VI Research Symposium of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art was held in the General Auditorium of the University of Azuay.

The Research Symposium is an event organized by the Faculty for several years, and was created as an educational space where exhibitors share their postgraduate and doctoral theses, methodologies, research experiences and knowledge.

Carla Hermida, organizer of this 6th edition, expressed her happiness at the inauguration for the reception of teachers, the public and researchers in this new face-to-face edition.

The event brought together 33 expert speakers on topics such as product design, graphic design, textiles and clothing, interiors and architecture.

As part of the second and third day of the symposium, two events related to this appointment of the Faculty were held.

The first event took place on the second day of the symposium and was a fragment of the new work in production "Memories of Mexico" by the Teatro Company of the University of Azuay.

The company has analyzed which factors have been repetitive within the latest stagings it has presented and came to the conclusion that one of its convergence points is the text theater.

Text theater refers to the value assigned to the words of the interpreters (what they say and how they say it). Within the theater there are two currents at the level of interpretation: the method of psychotechnics (used in film and television) and the method of physical actions in which the body is the speech and becomes the most important thing.

Following this last line, this staging (which will soon be released in full format) was inspired by the texts of Francisco Aguirre and shows how the processes of creation and stage experimentation work within the university, the subject of one of the talks at the Symposium .

The play was directed by Jaime Garrido, starring Francisco Aguirre, co-starring Samanta Villota and also featured the participation of musicians Carlos Loja, Ana Crespo and María Mercedes Rojas.

“The symposium is key to making the research carried out in each faculty visible, in our case it is key to being able to disseminate the research and what we are developing, while as a space for aesthetic experience it is fundamental because the integrity of the human being has to do with art ”, declared Jaime Garrido, director of the UDA Theater Company.

For its part, on the third and last day of the VI Symposium, the University of Azuay, its Publishing House and the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art carried out the launch of the book "Academic Journey 2020" of the School of Architecture.

The work presents the selection of the best photographs taken by the students of the School during the academic trips made in February 2020 to the city of Bogotá and several cities in Argentina. The photographs capture the elements and spaces, the product of the reflection of the urban and architectural project that the students face.

"This type of trip tries to communicate in our style the learning of students and teachers during their journeys," said Santiago Vanegas, Coordinator of the School of Architecture. The Academic Trip is the oldest event of the School, for eight consecutive years it has traveled to different destinations in Latin America.

At the end of the book presentation, recognition was given to the winners of the photography contest held on the same occasion as the event.

The work can be downloaded from the following link:

With this, the VI Research Symposium of the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Art was concluded.


UDA Correspondents