Seminar on oral litigation in Justice

Seminar on oral litigation in Justice

On October 17 in the Postgraduate Auditorium of the University of Azuay, the seminar “The realization of justice through the oral procedure” was organized, organized by the Student Club of Oral Litigation of the UDA, the Faculty of Legal Sciences and the Council of the Judiciary of Azuay.

The objective of this event was to provide law students and professionals in this discipline with the skills to litigate orally, through the presentation of techniques and qualities by professionals and subject matter experts, some of them from Cuenca, the rest of Quito.

Adriana Valdivieso, President of the Student Oral Litigation Club, said that this seminar is of vital importance for law students, since the career network does not have the subject of “litigation” as such, which is essential in life Professional students and graduates of this career.

“There have been no congresses or seminars in this area, or at least there has not been in our university, hence the need to provide these tools to students, which is why we also created the litigation club, because we must reinforce and continue to gain knowledge, ”said Valdivieso.

The event began with the welcome words of the Dean of the Faculty, José Chalco, who congratulated the students for organizing the seminar and for the formation of the club.  

“What the students are doing is worthy of admiration, holding events like these, for students and legal professionals, is vital for growth; Furthermore, I am pleased that such important institutions as the Judicial Council offer their support to the students ”, José Chalco, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences.

The presentations began with Simón Valdivieso, an expert in oral litigation and teaching at the State University of Cuenca, followed by Claudia Storini, Postgraduate Director of the Andean University.

Then they took the floor Paul Vinuesa, professor at the Andean University and expert in Constitutional Law; Sebastián López Hidalgo, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the UDA, and Alí Lozada, Judge of the Constitutional Court.

On the second day, the October 18, the speakers were experts Paul Córdova, César Ugalde, Geovanny Sacasari and Diego Zalamea.

UDA Correspondent