The light of our university community went on! Christmas Vigil

The light of our university community went on! Christmas Vigil

On December 20, the University of Azuay organized the Christmas Vigil, in the Clara and Francisco de Asís Chapel, to turn on the light and prepare for the birth of the Child Jesus.

The welcoming words were given by Genoveva Malo, academic vice-rector of the University, who mentioned that this meeting is a moment that brings with it the promise of hope, love and renewal. 

Amid the festivities and joy surrounding this season, we remember the words of the Gospel that guide us to the true light that illuminates our hearts.

Once his intervention was finished, the lights outside the chapel were turned on and each attendee lit a candle as a symbol of peace and redemption.

May the light of Christmas illuminate our path and guide us towards a new year full of blessings and purpose. 

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