Mental health and well-being: active and supportive UDA

Mental health and well-being: active and supportive UDA

It has been stated that crises are the great opportunities that human beings and populations have to show who we really are, to grow and transcend, that is, to mature, be more supportive, apply values.

We can point out that the pandemic in 2020 was a major crisis that affected various aspects such as health, economy, social, and politics, among others. 

In this writing we want to deepen one of these aspects, specifically that of mental health, and relate it to some actions that the University of Azuay has had in front of it.

We will begin by stating that in March 2020, the teaching staff of the School of Psychology and the Department of Psychology met and with the direction of their authorities presented a free psychological support plan for the province of Azuay.

It was understood that it was an unprecedented event in history, that it needed urgent and supportive actions, and that the psychological aspect of the people would suffer.

It was therefore necessary to consolidate a team with capacity and dedication, which is how a group of several psychologists working at the University, volunteers from the field of Psychology and students practicing in recent years is formed.

This great team served hundreds of people, especially from our university community: students, teachers and administrative staff. Psychological consultations require a process and take several sessions to achieve their purpose; We will say that we accompany and intervene in many cases of anxiety, depression, personality and family conflicts, issues of violence, substance use and grief.

On the other hand, free activities were carried out to promote well-being and mental health, through the Continuing Education Department and the support of the Teachers Association.

Keynote talks were held via zoom with international lecturers and University professors, on topics related to anxiety management, inner peace, emotional management in times of crisis, among other topics, in which they were even assistants from various parties. from the country.

All of them valued these spaces that were made weekly, valuable information was shared and with experiential exercises.

In the cycle that has ended, the Forma Tu Ser program was developed with all the first cycle students, in which workshops on personal development, motivation and integration into the University were carried out for two consecutive days of the first week of classes.

There was a group of volunteers who were trained on vacations and who collaborated with their enthusiasm and creativity, it was a space for young people for young people to share.

In the month of December there was a follow-up to deal with life purposes and vocation, former students and an invited speaker participated, it is considered that -for the achievement of our goals, motivation and perseverance- are bases, and that is what which was largely achieved in these encounters.

In that December, a seminar on harmony and inner peace was also held from a vision of Christian spirituality, it was a small group that was formed but that greatly valued the possibility of coming together through the screens, encouraging each other from faith and awareness of a superior being that accompanies and gives us the strength to transcend the different situations through which we live.

In the next month the course called Multidimensional Wellbeing will be carried out with a master in martial arts and meditation, it will be a comprehensive proposal for well-being in the different dimensions: body, mind and spirit.

It is a practical course that will provide tools for managing a healthier and more positive life. We take the opportunity to invite interested people to be part of this course that will last 2 months.

I would like to end by mentioning the satisfaction of the cooperative and team work that was achieved, with the joy of being part of a University that gives importance to well-being and that generates community mental health spaces.

Today, Psychology has great validity, we are aware of the power and effectiveness of psychological sessions and group meetings, we will continue to build humanity from this discipline of the soul.  

Coordinator of the UDATEAYUDA Program