Accountability of the University of Azuay

Accountability of the University of Azuay

In order to make the information on the management of resources within the University transparent, on October 20, the Rector, Francisco Salgado, gave the accounts for the period 2017-2021.

The event took place in the general auditorium of the UDA and began with the Rector's speech that began with the mention of a dialogue with a student who said to him at her graduation: "Thank you for making the University a good place."

This phrase reflects the progress of the institution since Francisco Salgado took office with the aim of turning it into the “seat of reason and the heart”.

This progress was reflected in the statistics that were exhibited at the event, as these showed, for example, an increase in total income.

The budget in 2016 was $ 34.729.612,00 and that of 2021: $ 40.034.694,25.

On the other hand, Salgado explained that during his administration there was a reduction in the State's allocation, since in 2016 it was 21,60% and in 2021: 6,97%.

Due to these new conditions, a joint effort had to be made to achieve financial stability.

Despite this, around $ 11 million continued to be designated for scholarships, which helped reduce the number of students dropping out of college due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

The Rector also mentioned that the institution owes the bank a loan of 9 million dollars - money invested in works such as the construction of the Bicentennial Campus.

And according to Dr. Salgado, the annual payment of this credit is only equivalent to 9% of the university's income.

This is why his speech ended with the following words:

"We have done everything together and the best confirmation that we do things well is that we have confidence in this community, a proof of this is the happiness that was perceived when returning to campus, thank you for that."


Correspondent of the University of Azuay